If you ever spend the day with us you would undoubtedly begin looking around for hidden cameras. Many times throughout the day JustaBXgirl randomly starts talking to “her public.” She will switch from everyday conversations with me to introduce herself to a nonexistent audience as JustaBXgirl and introduce whatever she has planned for the day in a matter of moments.
This seems to be a thing for littles nowadays. They play YouTube. I have friends and family that aren’t bloggers or vloggers and their littles play similar games. I guess it is just the way of the times. The difference when your mom is a blogger you have real access to making your pretend play a reality. I’ve had a Youtube channel for almost as long as I’ve had a blog but I have never been consistent and I can admit my videos as not the best quality. I do my best but am way behind on the learning curve.
In fact, most of the time JustaBXgirl stars in my videos while I remain behind the scenes. Recently though I began a page for her. She had been consistent with wanting to create content and puts consideration into what she wants her videos to look like. Even when just pretending you will find her “stop the cameras” because she didn’t express herself the way she wanted to on film. Since starting her channel I’ve tried to get better with my shooting and editing. There are only three videos up so far and I haven’t done much promotion of the channel.

This is her baby. We’ve worked on a logo for her and she decides what content makes the channel and what doesn’t. She was really excited to get my cousin involved in the last video and her cousin involved in the one before that. She looks forward to having more costars and has already invited a few friends to be involved in the future. I’m telling you this is all her. I’ll be lucky to get camera credit.
Like I said she chooses what content is for the channel which means it is only what she truly loves. The latest video is about hatching Hatchimal Colleggtibles from Spinmaster. Can I tell you she loves these things so much that she carried them and her unhatched glittering garden Hatchimal around in her doll baby carriage?
These Colleggtibles are from Season 2 and have six different Owlicorns to collect. Make sure to check out the video below to see which ones JustaBXgirl hatched. She is now waiting patiently to hatch her full sized Hatchimal (she’s already told me that she will be making a video of that as well). I figure it will be a treat for her after she gets through her first week at school.
When describing her brand JustaBXgirl always tells me it has to have glitter and shine. These toys fit right into that with their beautiful colors and glittery accents. They are going to make the perfect stocking stuffer or secret snowflake gift this holiday season. And since sometimes the holidays come early we are giving away two Season 2 – 2 pack Colleggtibles to one random winner.