We are living in a very scary world. No matter what your religious beliefs or non-beliefs are we must all admit that there are some people doing really bad things to others. We must also remember that there are many people in the world doing good. When we allow those that are walking in evil to scare us from living in the light we allow them victories.
When we allow those doing evil to make us squabble about who has the toughest plight we are allowing them victories. Every loss of life is heartbreaking. Losing 1 or 1 million lives at the hand of ignorance and hate is too many. Each life should be cherished and celebrated.
Today I challenge you to not walk in fear or hate. Today I challenge you to walk in love and light. That is what will save us. Let us all shine our lights a little bit brighter. Let us show our children to walk in love and light and create a generation not of warriors but of lovers. Lovers of life. Lovers of peace. Lovers of mankind.