I’m sure every parent can relate to the emotional rollercoaster I have been on. We want our babies to be healthy and grow yet part of us aches as they get older. I’m not sure why this year has been so rough. Minime turned three this past Saturday (1/23) and I never before thought of THREE as a magical age. Yet, her birthday made me really reflective.
My little is growing up. She is not a big girl yet but also not quite my itty bitty baby anymore. She has always been quite independent but daily she voices and acts a bit more like she doesn’t quite need me like she used to. I know, at three years old she won’t be moving out anytime soon.
The saying goes that time flies when you’re having fun and these three years as her mommy have been the best of my life. I cannot wait to see who she will become. I cannot wait to watch her set and meet life goals.
I only pray that I am the mother that she needs. I only hope that I supply her with the resources and necessities to become who she is meant to be.
Looking forward to spending decades more celebrating my gift from above.