If your house is anything like mine you LOVE The Lion Guard. If DVR could wear out the way that VCR tapes used to Minime would have popped the DVR recording long ago. She has watched the movie so many times she knows the words by heart. We even act out the songs (and the commercials). That being said when presented with the opportunity to speak with Dusan Brown (the voice of Beshte) I couldn’t resist.
Dusan Brown is an eloquent, mature, well-rounded talented young man. He was born a few years after The Lion King was released but that doesn’t mean it’s not part of his history. Shortly after seeing the movie and then the musical he knew the Pride Lands were meant to be his home. He told his family he wanted to be Simba. Lo and behold Dusan started his career as young Simba a few months later.

Currently his time in the Pride Lands isn’t as king but as a member of the newly formed Lion Guard. Dusan voices the lovable hippo Beshte. According to Dusan both him and Beshte have a lot in common. They both like to help others. They also both are usually in good moods. And the two of them also are firm believers in never giving up.
You can see Beshte in action this Friday on a brand new episode of The Lion Guard on Disney Jr. Here’s a clip from “Follow That Hippo.”
One of my favorite parts about the show which happens to be one of Dusan’s favorite parts as well is that The Lion Guard celebrates diversity. All of the animals have a role to play. And every role is important. I’m very careful about what Minime watches on TV, YouTube and Netflix. This is one show that I’m confident about letting her watch unaccompanied, even though I enjoy watching it with her.
Children learn the importance of communication, teamwork and diversity watching The Lion Guard. They even learn a little Swahili! Each character has their own catchprase. Beshte’s is Twende Kiboko! (let’s go hippo!)
Seems to be the perfect catchphrase for Dusan. Let’s go, is aligned with his personal philosophy of never giving up. Let’s go! Keep going! Never give up! Always leave a good impression! Become a master!

These are the things I took from speaking with Dusan. And I must say that this young man left a very good impression on me. I expect to see him become a master of much. I look forward to watching him sitting front row at The Oscars being nominated for writing, directing and acting in a blockbuster movie in the not so distant future.
For now though Minime will sit back and enjoy watching Beshte and the rest of The Lion Guard protecting the Pride Lands.

I want to thank Onica from The Mommy Factor for setting up the group interview with Dusan and allowing me to be part of the group. I also would like to thank Disney Junior and Dusan for their time. Disney Junior even sent over some fun treats. Now Minime doesn’t have to wear out the DVR because she can wear out the DVD!
But don’t worry you don’t have to be jealous. We want to share with you. Enter to win the tote and t-shirt today!
To be entered list your favorite Lion Guard catchphrase (and it’s translation) in the comments. Winner will be selected on Wednesday, March 23rd.