JustaBXgirl loves YouTube. I’m well aware that she is not alone. What is it about YouTube that can get children (and adults) sucked into a time warp. You start on one innocent video and then all of a sudden it is THREE hours later. The only thing worse that the YouTube time warp is the Netflix one (I’ve seriously lost days on Netflix).
Time warp and all I do have to admit I prefer JustaBXgirl to watch YouTube than TV. Let me preface that by saying she has the kids app and sometimes goes days between using it. I have used YouTube to talk her out of toys by pointing out things we wouldn’t like in the reviews. On the other hand she has talked me into getting some stuff based on videos we have watched.
I can say that YouTube has also given us some creative ideas and has made JustaBXgirl believe she can recreate what she sees.
Her love of YouTube is what made me allow her to start doing YouTube videos this year. I posted our most recent story time on my Fox on a Box blog but here’s her latest Toy video.
I think she does a pretty good job for being three years old. I like that she takes what she likes from other videos and tries to incorporate it into her own. This child’s logic surprises me at times.
Here are JustaBXgirl’s Top 5 YouTube channels. These change over time but I would say this is what she has been hooked on for the past month or more.
- The Engineering Family – This family does a little of everything. They do surprise eggs, unboxings, toy/game reviews and more. JustaBXgirl really likes the videos where it’s “The Assistant” and her dad.
- Tiffany Bliss – On this channel Tiffany takes a toy and turns it into another toy! JustaBXgirl loves the Baby Alive video that ends with diapers filled with blind bags the most.
- Toy Monster – This channel has Spiderman and Elsa and other super heroes in real life. They seem to be living like regular people but always have some sort of silly adventure going on.
- Evolution of the Disney Princess – JustaBXgirl doesn’t watch all of the videos on Evynne Hollen’s page but she watches this ONE video many, many times a week.
- How To Cake It – JustaBXgirl’s favorite cakes are the My Little Pony cakes but she watches these pretty regularly. Sadly, she then thinks that I can make something similar! Ha, joke is on her because mommy is no professional baker. These videos are pretty cool though.
What are some of your littles favorite YouTube channels? We are always looking for new ones to follow.