I do not have a green thumb. Never have and probably never will. JustaBXgirl though? She has developed a fascination for growing things. It started with me bringing her home a petunia plant from my Pre-Mother’s Day Makeover. Next we got our fairy catcher seeds that are doing extremely well. And just last week came our do it yourself veggie garden from #wearefreshkids.
JustaBXgirl and her cousin wanted to start the vegetable garden as soon as it arrived but I got them to wait until after dance class the next day. It was a perfect afternoon activity. Everything you need comes with the kit. I had to explain to the littles that even though the seeds for the squash and watermelon were small we wouldn’t have the space to transfer them elsewhere when they outgrow our egg crate garden. My nephew tried to reason that we would be growing baby watermelon but I finally got them to agree to only growing four types of vegetables. We settled on carrots, cucumbers, radishes and green beans. Did I tell you that green beans are JustaBXgirl’s new favorite vegetable?
I was really proud of the littles for taking turns and being patient while I read the directions. The directions were really easy to follow and the entire activity took less than an hour. It would have been quicker but we used it as a teachable activity.
My nephew wrote out the names of each thing we were growing on a stick and I did my best to doodle a little picture. It was a great way for my nephew to practice reading and writing. We also used the activity to use some math and as JustaBXgirl reminded us gardening uses science (I love that kid).
She is also great at remembering to check and water the plants and veggie garden. She loves getting up every morning and checking the window to see if anything has grown overnight.
The vegetable garden is starting to sprout. At least the carrots and radishes are sprouting. Not sure if we’re going to have luck with the green beans and cucumbers but it’s still early. I leave for almost a week on a work trip tomorrow. It’s going to be up to JustaBXgirl and my dad to keep an eye on everything while I’m gone. Let’s be real here. Me being gone is probably the best thing to happen for the sake of the plants and vegetables.
When I get back if the sprouts look good we will take a trip to get them each their own pot to grow in. Let’s hope my window sills can handle all of this greenery.

Does anyone have experience with urban gardening? Our building doesn’t have any common area space where we could do planting so it all has to be done in our apartment. Any advice?