JustaBXgirl entertains me daily with her pretend play. She can play for hours inventing adventures for her toys to go on. Even as I type this she’s sitting on the other side of the room playing school with some of her dolls. I love hearing her and all of the creative ideas she comes up with for the toys to undertake.

My most favorite thing to do though is watch her take care of her baby dolls. She handles them with such gentility and care. Recently she has added an Honestly Cute My Sweet Baby doll to her growing collection. Watching her play with the doll really makes me think I might not be so bad at this mom thing!
Parents if we ever wonder about how we’re doing as parents we just have to be present as our children play. Watch how they handle the dolls. Listen to how they speak to their dolls. And please remember that dolls are not just for girls. One day our boys will grow up to be fathers, husbands and/or uncles. If our girls learn how to nurture by playing then so can our boys.
The My Sweet Baby doll is the perfect size for my three year old to cuddle and snuggle with at 14 inches. JustaBXgirl has named her baby Bella. Bella has plastic limbs which are very easy to clean off and a soft body that is comfy for those snuggles.

Along with Bella we received a crib for her to sleep in which is part of the Deluxe Nursery Set and a Snack Time Set. JustaBXgirl has spent HOURS tucking Bella into her crib then waking her up to feed her to then tuck her back in. She sings her songs, tells her stories and makes me read her books.
She’s recently asked me to get her the rest of the nursery set and I’m adding it to her Christmas list. I think I might put Bellas’s name on the tag. I think JustaBXgirl will get a kick out of her baby having gifts under the tree. (Can someone please remind me of this idea when we get closer to Christmas???)
If you’re interested in these adorable dolls to put under your tree you can find them at Target. As if you need an excuse to go to Target!