Before I had JustaBXgirl my travel life consisted of places like Italy, Greece, Paris, Spain. Since having her I’ve kept it a bit more local. We go to Puerto Rico and Florida pretty much on a rotation. My baby is a great traveler. She took her first flight at four months and doesn’t think twice about getting on a plane.
I know one day she will be ready to keep me company all through Europe and other destinations that require more than four hours on a flight. I just really don’t want to spend the money until she’s a bit older and will retain those memories.
We are currently preparing for our fourth Florida trip for her godbrother’s birthday. I thought it would be a great time to share some traveling tips. Of course, each child is different so if something doesn’t sound like it will work for your child chances are that it won’t!
TRAVEL TIP #1- Early Flight
When we’re heading on vacation I do my best to take one of the earliest flights available. This has worked pretty well for me. JustaBXgirl will normally sleep on the drive to the airport then wake through the check in process. She’ll usually stay awake until we board and then fall fast asleep for most (if not all) of the flight. Also, there are usually less people on the early flights (except the Florida ones). Everyone wants to rush to Disney!
This tip is for the flight and the destination. Most littles are snackers. Do yourself a favor and pack all of their favorites. You’ll save yourself headaches and money if you have their favorite fruit snacks already in your bag. When it comes to figuring out how much snacks to pack I think about what JustaBXgirl would normally eat for the time we are gone and then I double it to be safe! Trust me you will not be able to find the specific flavor of goldfish your little requires once they run out on vacation. Packing extra snacks also saves money if you’re going to an amusement park on your vacation. The more snacks you can supply the less amusement park snacks you have to buy! Also, if you have a small little you can bring them a sippy cup of juice through security at the airport!!! This is a great way not to have to spend $5 on an orange juice at the gate. I’m not sure at which age this stops though.
I’m not big on allowing JustaBXgirl to pack toys. I’m always worried that she will lose them, especially since she always wants to bring mini figures. We had a few meltdowns in Puerto Rico over a tiny Lalaloopsy mermaid that got lost not once but twice! I know though that depending on the trip she will need to be entertained. My suggestions are to bring toys that are easily replaceable if lost. That way you can tell your little the toy got homesick and decided to end it’s vacation early then you can replace it when you get back. Also, bring things that can be used during travel. Think coloring books and crayons, travel-sized board/card games and iPad/tablets. If you are bringing an iPad/tablet I suggest making sure that most of the games do not require wifi as your little will be disappointed that they can’t always connect.
Before traveling with JustaBXgirl I was the travel coordinator with my friends. I would know every single thing we had to see and when was the best time to see it. I would set agendas and hold everyone to the times. Now I am ruled by JustaBXgirl. We go with the flow a lot more and you know what? We have fabulous fun on vacation. I still set a plan in my mind but if we don’t do the teacups first because she just has to hug Winnie The Pooh it’s okay. And if we miss taking a photo with Shamu I’m sure we’ll get something better down the road. JustaBXgirl has taught me that you can’t always schedule fun.
Vacations are fun. Vacations are blessings. Vacations with littles are work! Gone are the days (at least until they’re bigger) where vacations mean relaxing by the pool and only getting in the water to cool off between drinks (or to get a drink from the swim up bar). My advice is if you’re able to book an extra day to do very little. Use this day to sleep in (as much as your little allows). Use this day to Netflix and relax. If you can do it by the pool even better but if not take a few hours in the hotel room to just sit and be. I’m betting if you’re anything like me you rarely do that at home. You pay good money for that hotel room. Let your little entertain themselves with the toys and games from tip #3 and snack the leftover snacks from tip #2 while you take some time for you!