Those ready made Easter baskets have never done it for me. Every year I say I’m just going to pick up a bunch of those and be done with it but I don’t. I can’t. They’re not personal enough. So every year I sit down and make a list of how many baskets I need to make (this year six plus the two I have sent unbuilt to NC) and figure out how to make them each special in their own way.

Last year JustaBXgirl wanted to help me make the baskets so I let her. I have to admit they were not my best baskets and not because of any fault of hers but because I ordered the wrong sizes from Oriental Trading and went against one of my main rules (no candy). This year? This year I am back to reclaim my title as queen of the Easter baskets.
I was blessed to not have to buy baskets because the packrat that I am had just enough baskets (of the right size) sitting in my storage. Win! I still have a bunch of empty eggs and grass leftover from when I purchased the too small baskets last year. Win! Now it’s just important to find the objects to make the baskets special.

I like to pick one special object for each basket. This year for JustaBXgirl’s basket I chose a My Little Pony gift. When given the chance to review this I knew it would be the perfect centerpiece for JustaBXgirl’s basket. She is a big MLP fan. And this is a really cool toy. You can dress 3-inch Rarity with a twist in the My Little Pony Rarity Fashion Runway Playset! Rarity and her outfit are placed on the fashion runway platform and you slide the heart-shaped button to dress the pony figure. She twirls as she slides in and out of the outfit! The playset comes with 3 adorable outfits with a clip-and-style feature to dress the Rarity figure by hand or on the playset runway. We all know Rarity and JustaBXgirl are fashionistas so I’m sure this will bring hours of fun in our home.
If only choosing centerpieces for the other baskets were just as easy. My tween niece is proving to be the most difficult. I mean she’s 12. You know the age where you’re too cool for anything. Any advice on things other than nail polish and socks??? My youngest niece is the easiest. Shopkins for the win. And the boys? Well, those baskets always drive me crazy. Thinking superheros, trains and more My Little Pony but at least I have a week to finalize them.
Almost all of the baskets I’m making will have seeds that need to be planted. I think it’s a great way to celebrate the holiday. By giving seeds I’m giving the littles in my life the chance to get their hands dirty. I’m hopefully instilling in them a love of nature and a respect for people that grow our food. It’s also a fitting gift for Easter, don’t you think? I like including a creative treat. This year my littles are getting two creatives. They’ll each be receiving a small trinket to paint along with a travel sized coloring book. I also like to include something that they can use so the school aged among them will receive pencils. Then I buy a bunch of nonsense to stuff in the eggs. Think of the trinkets you use in birthday party gift bags. Yup, you will find a lot of that in my Easter baskets.
I’m sure you rolled your eyes at my no candy rule. I get it. What’s an Easter basket without chocolate bunnies and Marshmallow Peeps? Don’t worry, I’m okay with it the eye rolling. And it’s not a judgement call on you if you decide to give candy. I just know that the littles in my life will be getting enough candy from other sources that they don’t need it for me.
Having done baskets for littles in my life way before JustaBXgirl existed these are the constants I’ve learned and wanted to share with you:
- Know your little: Some littles care more about the pretty plastic eggs than they do what’s inside of them. If your child is more into the packaging splurge for novelty eggs and fill them with frivolous bounty. Think simple stuff you can buy in larger quantities (stickers, erasers, etc). If your child is less into the packaging and more into the objects save on the eggs and get quality treats they can use (socks, nail polish, small books, etc).
- Don’t go overboard: I know this is a case of I should look in the mirror. I’m completely extra and go well overboard for holidays. Still, this holiday isn’t about gifts. In recent years I’ve seen pictures of children waking up to basically a second Christmas. Remember you set the bar you need to keep up with. It might be easy to buy 17 things for a three year old but one day that three year old will be thirteen! Keep Easter simple. When I was a child it meant candy, a new dress and a new pair of sneakers. Today? Today I’ve seen some kids write wishlists for the Easter Bunny.
- Don’t be traditional: I’m breaking this rule this year because I already had the baskets but try to shy away from a traditional basket. Really. What are you going to do with it after your little opens and empties it? If you have the traditional basket I suggest storing it and reusing next year. If you haven’t purchased one yet look into something your little can use. Think: bath caddy, tin to later store legos, bucket to hold hair ties. There are so many really cool storage options. Be creative and find one that becomes part of the gift as opposed to just the container.
And while it won’t make it in time to be included in your Easter basket our friends at Hasbro want to send one of you a My Little Pony Rarity Fashion Runway Playset of your very own.
Update: JustaBXgirl LOVED her MLP gift in her Easter basket. Here she is playing with it a little on Easter Day.