JustaBXgirl LOVES the water. There was a time when she was around two that she would say she wanted to be a mermaid when she grew up. Now she wants to be a secret agent gymnast (thanks to Barbie). Shh, that’s a secret though so don’t tell anyone. After all secret agents aren’t supposed to go around saying that they’re secret agents! Back to the water. My future secret agent is very brave and since spending so much time at my cousin’s pool last summer has begun thinking that she is part mermaid.

With her continued adoration for all things pool her and I decided it was the perfect time for her to go back to swim classes. Having gone through a mini growth spurt that meant a lot of her bathing suits from last summer no longer fit her. Blessed I am to have recently become an affiliate to one of my favorite swimsuit companies. You might remember Fasten and the fabulous moms behind this BRILLIANT swimsuit from a #MompreneurMondays feature last year. Or maybe you remember when JustaBXgirl wore her Fasten swimsuit while on vacation for her god brother’s birthday. Or maybe you follow me on Instagram and have seen her in one of their suits more than once.
Suffice to say I think these things are AMAZING. These moms (Jill and Alexis) had an aha moment and did something about it. I am proud to be a continued supporter of their brand and wanted to take the moment to remind you of how cool they are and let you know that they have new styles out now. Do not let another summer go by where you struggle to take your little to the bathroom while wearing a wet bathing suit. I can confess that once JustaBXgirl was potty trained this was a huge place of anxiety for me. The idea of her having to go to the bathroom and pull down her bathing suit. Heaven forbid we were in a public place and it might touch the floor. The horror. I used to pack an extra suit so I wouldn’t have to worry about trying to straighten a wet suit back on her. Especially when she decided that bikinis were not for her.
The Fasten brand alleviates that worry. They have used magnets to solve this age old dilemma. And they found a way to keep it stylish. The colors and styles are ones that you and your littles will love. They even have an emoji themed bathing suit in their summer line up. In case you’ve been somewhere living under a rock emoji clothing is one of the biggest trends in kids fashion right now. The emoji one is next on JustaBXgirl’s list and I’m hoping to get it for her before we head to California in July.
Check out the site and let me know in the comments which your little would love. Oh, and please let the world know we need this for moms too!!!