This month I haven’t had much time to read on my own but I have been introduced to may amazing children’s books that JustaBXgirl and I have been enjoying on our commute to and from school. And a very special book that we have been reading every night before bed. Keep reading for this month’s recommendations and your chance to win some books for your home library! And the grownup books I’ve gotten my hands on are ones you’ll be interested in checking out before you plan your next soiree!
Zoey And Sassafrass: Dragons And Marshmallows: This is a series we will be following. We love the mix of magic and science. JustaBXgirl enjoyed it so much that she made me stay at the train station to read a few more pages when we read it on the way to school. And I must admit I really love the special bond between Zoey and her mom.
Princesses Wears Pants: You know we love princesses and Princess Penelope Pineapple is a new favorite. Just saying her name is fun. Can you say it five times fast? While a fun book I also love the message of individuality and courage that come off of the pages.
Zachary Goes To School: I really wish we had this in September. I plan to get it in the future for all littles in my life starting their first days of school. You might have seen my favorite part on my Instagram recently. The three life rules shared in this book work great for littles and adults.
Everyday Chic: Molly Sims is amazing. I recently attended a book signing luncheon of hers and she is simply EVERYTHING. And her book is the perfect addition to a home library. It contains tips and recipes that are doable.
Baby Loves Aerospace Engineering: This book is one of the cutest board books I’ve read with JustaBXgirl. I love that it breaks down the physics of flight into terms that littles can understand.
Twindollicious Summer Camp Here We Come: We love the girls behind Twindollicious. When a copy of their new book found its way into our mailbox we were super excited. Reading of the girls’ summer experience has JustaBXgirl dreaming of summer camp.
Get To Know Bernardo de Galvez: I learned a lot right beside JustaBXgirl when we read this book. I had never heard of Bernardo de Galvez. I really can’t wait to get JustaBXgirl more books from the Historical FIgures of the Hispanic World series.
Cakes by Melissa: I mean, this is a dessert cookbook by the Melissa behind Baked by Melissa. Do I really need to say anything more about why one would want this before you started holiday entertaining?
My Little Cities New York: This is another board book that is great for early readers as well. It is also a good book about practicing opposites and learning New York City.
Leo’s Gift: This is a sweet story of Leo finding his gift and reminding us that not all gifts come in boxes. This book is a great opener for discussing with children about following their passions and trying things out.
Love Is: This is such a beautifully illustrated story about a girl and her duck. The words are just as beautiful and are a wonderful story to share with a child. I know I’ve been feeling like JustaBXgirl is growing so much daily that I have to admit reading the book made me a little sad as the duckling grew. I won’t spoil it but I will share it has a happy ending.
And since I love a happy ending I will be giving away a copy of Love Is, My Little Cities New York, Baby Loves Aerospace Engineering, and Zachary Goes To School.