This is the time of year when you can never tell if that person on the line in front of you is blowing their nose because they have a cold, the flu or are suffering from allergies. It makes it really difficult to avoid the germs that we have been on the lookout for all winter. Chances are your littles or you might catch a springtime cold because you aren’t on the defensive as much anymore. Not blaming you, just sharing my opinion.
When our littles start sniffling the first thing we want to do is check their temperature. Let me tell you when you reach for that thermometer that they have come a long way, baby. One of the things I dreaded when becoming a mom was having to read a thermometer. I had flashbacks of the ones my mom used to use on me and I could never read that little, thin, red line. I’m so happy that technology has taken over and I don’t even know if those exist any longer.
Here are the three thermometers you will find in my medicine cabinet because yes, I’m extra and need more than one thermometer in my medicine cabinet!

TempTraq – I love this thermometer. It’s a patch you place on your little and then you can monitor her temperature continuously for 24 hours from the app. I’m one of those moms that can’t really sleep well when my daughter has a fever and is sick. I also feel extremely guilty if I need/want to wake her to check her temperature. This takes that need away. I can simply open my app and see how her fever is doing. I can even set an alarm to ring when she reaches a temp I want to know about. I really wish this was around when she was an infant. Only downside is if your little squirms around a lot the patch might slip off. Also, this is a one and done use.
Exergen Temporal Artery Thermometer – This is the thermometer my little prefers. She thinks it is like magic. You simply press and hold the button, scan across the patient’s forehead and release the button to read the temperature. In the words of my daughter, “easy, peezy, lemon squeezy.” This also can be used on a sleeping child with little interruption.
Kinsa QuickCare Thermometer – And if you’re looking for a more traditional thermometer that still has some bells and whistles check out the Kinsa QuickCare Thermometer. Like the others, you will get your reading in about eight seconds. You can use this thermometer orally, rectally or under the arm. You’re also able to create individual profiles on the accompanying app. It’s even easy to share and track health info on the app.