We’re friends right? That means I can tell you something that I wouldn’t tell just anyone, right? Now you know that I am a HUGE Disney fan. I mean, I have my own Disney Hashtag (#DisneyLatinaMoms). This is not just some passing phase. However, I have never seen the original Incredibles movie! Crazy, I know. Since I haven’t seen the original it was really difficult for me to get into the hype of the second.
I know, I know. I’m talking blasphemy here. This is a safe space though, so I’m allowed to share these things with you. It isn’t to say that I wasn’t excited. I mean, any Disney movie makes me run to the theater. Let’s just say that I was planning to do a jog rather than a sprint to get in line for this one.
Little did I know that JustaBXgirl had seen the original with some cousins not too long ago and was really, really excited about the sequel. Then the toys arrived at our home and I felt the excitement starting to build. Then we started seeing the trailer more and more and we both were ready to run to the theaters.
We were blessed to be invited to an advance screening of Incredibles 2 and trust me, if you haven’t already purchased your tickets you want to get them now, well, as soon as you finish reading this non-spoiler review!
I do want to point out that this movie has a PG rating. That means please go in expecting there to be parts that can be a bit intense. Don’t let that scare you away! In no way is the movie inappropriate or too much for littles. There are just some scenes where little littles might need some extra support.
For JustaBXgirl she was a little worried during the raccoon scene. Most of the other blogger kids in the theater found this scene hysterical. For some of the others they were more concerned by a certain fight scene. JustaBXgirl enjoyed that scene. I share this to remind you that you know your family. You can tell if there’s a scene where it makes sense to reach over and hold your little’s hand or whisper some comforting words.
Overall, the two hours flew. I really checked the time when the movie ended because I couldn’t believe that two hours had really passed by. The dialogue kept the movie moving forward as well as the action did. It was a really incredible family movie. I loved that it didn’t give a fairytale look at family life. There was teen angst, new math, losing the baby and more. Even when it came to the villain just when you thought you had it figured out you got taken somewhere else.
The movie delivered. It is hard to pick a favorite character or a favorite scene for me. JustaBXgirl said that Jack-Jack was her favorite.
And make sure when you go you get there early because you don’t want to miss the short before the film. Bao is such a good short. I believe that every mom will relate to it, especially boy moms.