I’m not sure how long you’ve been reading this blog but let me give you some background. When Moana was in theaters my daughter made me leave the theater when Moana and Pua capsized her first time out of the reef. And when Beauty & The Beast live action was in theaters we brought a sleep mask to the theater so JustaBXgirl could cover her eyes during the wolf scenes. Can we say that I originally thought Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween would be out of her league?
Then, we went to Keystone Comic Con and saw this awesome Goosebumps 2 booth and the rest was history. I was informed that we would be seeing the movie and that was that! I figured that maybe since time has passed and she’s older Goosebumps 2 would be fine for JustaBXgirl until people started making me feel like a bad parent by saying they thought she was too young to go see it!
I’m happy that I used my mommy judgment and took her anyway. I used to love reading Goosebumps as a child and feel like this was a great way to introduce JustaBXgirl to a piece of my history! Even still, I told her if the movie got to be too much let me know and we could sneak out.
I’m happy to report we didn’t have to leave the theater. Now, don’t get me wrong. There were a few creepy parts where she snuggled close and put her sweater over her head but overall she handled it like a champ. While I didn’t read Slappy’s story the movie really did feel to me as if it came right out of a book. It didn’t feel forced. It felt like you were simply turning the pages and getting to the next page.
I also liked that Sarah, the big sister was a strong character with goals. Even when things got super creepy she didn’t back down from a fight. At one point, JustaBXgirl leaned over to me and said she wanted to be Sarah for next Halloween. I’m sure she will forget this in a few months seeing how last year she told me this Halloween she was going to be a horse and that’s not one of this year’s five costumes but it showed me that she too enjoyed the character.
Oh and the gummy bear scene was my absolute favorite. It also made me realizes I will not be as comfortable eating them in the future. You’re not going to be screaming and having nightmares watching this film but your littles will enjoy it.