How is it the end of October already??? Between Halloween fun, JustaPlaydate planning and being JustaBXgirl’s mom I almost forget to share this month’s bookshelf Here’s what we’re reading:
Adult Books:
Someone Has Led This Child To Believe – It’s always wonderful to see a rose grow from concrete. Regina has busted wide open through the cracks. Many moons ago I worked with youth in the foster care system but even that didn’t prepare me for the emotions that this book brought up reading Regina’s journey.
Vote Her In – Do you realize that women have only had the right to vote for 98 years? I love that this book doesn’t just talk about what we would like or even need but gives us direction. It includes an action plan on helping women gain political power.
Blend – The Secret To Co-Parenting & Creating a Balanced Family – I had the pleasure of seeing Mashonda speak about the process that came before this book. I’m not in a co-parenting relationship but I know many people that are. I hope for all of us that we can find our balance in our families.
Parenting With Heart – Lately, I’ve felt more and more like I don’t know what I’m doing as a mom. Just me? I love that this book makes me feel like that is okay. We are imperfect humans so of course, we will be imperfect parents!
Children Books
Bessie, Queen of The Sky – I was 29 years old when I learned about Bessie Coleman. Before I had JustaBXgirl I just knew I would teach her about so many Brown heroes but I have to admit that I’ve been slacking and my daughter doesn’t know nearly enough about the rich history that comes from our history. This book is one step closer to connecting her to some greatness.
Voting With A Porpoise – I’ve taken JustaBXgirl voting with me since she was tiny. She has begun learning about how elections work in her classroom and any time I’m able to reinforce how important it is to vote I do. Any time that I can remind her that every voice no matter how small matters I jump.
What’s In It For Me? – JustaBXgirl feels like Noodle A LOT. I’m always reminding her of what she needs to do. This book is a fun way for our littles to feel less alone in always being told what they need while also giving them a new way to understand why we give them so much responsibility.
Uniquely Wired – We have many littles we love that wear the title Autistic. JustaBXgirl doesn’t know the children as autistic. She simply knows them as who they are in her life. I love this story as a way to help reinforce what helps makes all of those we love with Autism uniquely wired.
Freddie The Fly – Connecting The Dots- A story about learning to read social cues – We don’t spend nearly enough time teaching our littles about social cues these days because a lot of the time we tend to forget them ourselves. Reading this was a great reminder to me and I think will be helpful for many.
Lou Knows What To Do – Doctor’s Office – JustaBXgirl never feared going to the doctor because of Doc McStuffins. Okay, she never said that but Doc and her stuffed animal patients really helped JustaBXgirl get familiar with what happens at the doctor’s office. Lou is right there for our littles and can do a great job of getting them ready by sharing a doctor’s visit every step of the way.
The Cow Said Neigh – Just when you thought you knew what the animals said, think again! This farm will have your little giggling from the start and leave your family coming up with what happens next! I was a little bothered at first that the story didn’t get wrapped up neatly but after thinking about it I realized I preferred the open ending.