We have some fun titles for you this month. Okay, let’s be real, we have fun titles for you every month. These were all perfect additions to our home library and I’m hoping you find something to add to yours.
Love Big – One of our mottos at home is, “teamwork makes the dream work.” This story is a beautiful reminder of what can happen when a community pulls together instead of working against each other.
Small Voice Says -I LOVE this book. The title says it all. Ever since JustaBXgirl was tiny I have shared when she is about to make a decision she should listen to the voice inside her because it will not steer her wrong. This book does a great job of reinforcing that. As our littles get older it is so important to set foundations for them that they will be able to stand on in the future. Reminding them that they can trust themselves is a great place to start.
Our Legendary Ladies Presents Anandi Gopal Joshi – I love adding books of diversity to JustaBXgirl’s library. I also love that she enjoys non-fiction books. I wasn’t like that as a child. I have always loved to read but most of the books I remember as a child were fiction. JustaBXgirl loves learning about people, things and places. She especially loves learning about other women. She also gets excited to see Brown women as the subject of the stories. This book is a trifecta for her, non-fiction, female subject, and Brown!!! Oh, and since it is a board book she can do a lot of the reading herself which she really likes too.
So Here I Am – This book is going to be our new goodnight storybook. What better way to end our day than by listening to words spoken by inspiring women. I love that this is a book that I can read now to JustaBXgil now and over time she will be able to read it herself. Right now, she has a lot of questions about the words but that is one of my favorite things about reading to JestaBXgirl. She regularly stops me and asks when she doesn’t know what a word means or wants to know more information about the woman that gave the speech.
Draw AlphaBeasts – JustaBXgirl keeps saying she wants to be an artist when she grows up so I’m constantly looking for ways to prepare her for her dream. This book also allows us to practice her alphabet while creating art. I’m sure once she masters these she will be making her spelling words homework a little more creative.
An Anthology Of Evil Men – When I heard this book was coming out I was so excited. I remembered reading Smoke Drink F*#k and then talking about it with friends because it was so good and we didn’t want the book to be over. I packed this book when we went on vacation last month and never got the chance to open it. That made me sad! But don’t feel too bad for me because I will get read from page to page soon!