We have less than two weeks before school starts. Insert sad face here. This summer has flown by and I honestly haven’t gotten as much reading in as I would like and JustaBXgirl has been slacking on her reading too. Do menus and signs count??? We are still making our way through some of the titles on our July Bookshelf but couldn’t miss the chance to share our August titles with you. Do you get a lot of reading done during the summer?
Ameenha Lee’s High School Survival Guide – You read about Ameenha in our 8 Entrepreneurs Under 18 post. Don’t think these tips are just for high school. Ameenha is dropping diamonds for students of all ages. This is a perfect back to school gift.
Maria The Super Helper – There is so much that I love about this book. First, look at how beautiful the character is. After you get passed the beauty of the illustrations and get to the story you are in for a blessing. This book is written in both English and Spanish. I have not been able to get JustaBXgirl interested in learning Spanish but seeing the words on the pages has piqued her interest. And finally, the story is endearing and gets littles interested in helping!
The Book Of Spells – Witches, magic, kings, and wizards! What else can I ask for? I love that the reviews I’ve read all say that it is good for all ages so that JustaBXgirl and I can read it together. This is jumping to the top of our commuting list once school begins.
Being The Grown-Up – I battle myself a lot as JustaBXgirl’s only parent. I doubt my decisions and worry that at times that I lean too much towards pushover parenting or too stern parenting. I’m sure every parent has these fears. I’m excited to add a book to my resource box that can help me find my balance. It is great to be reminded that being a parent comes with an intrinsic sense of authority.
The Wall – A Timeless Tale – This book is a great way to show children why we need all types of people in the world. In fact, many adults can learn a thing or two from reading this book. When a king ventures into his kingdom he doesn’t like seeing so many different types of people living in it so he demands a wall to be built to keep out anyone different from him. Fortunately, it doesn’t take him long to see the errors of his thinking.
The Chelsea Girls – I became a fan of Fiona Davis when I read The Address. Ms. Davis does such an amazing job of painting the picture of her stories and bringing them to life. This story had me on the edge of my seat. It made me laugh, it made me cry. She does an amazing job of weaving reality into her works of fiction which make the books so very good. I loved how at the bottom of this story it was truly a story of friendship.