One thing that I hope you all know about me is that I like to save money. When information about 20at20 popped into my inbox I was intrigued. Another thing you should know is that I love the theater. I don’t get to go as often as I used to but I try to make it a habit of going a few times a year. Now that JustaBXgirl is old enough for family shows she has been bitten by the theater bug as well. Being a one-income family means that mama needs to figure out ways to make my money stretch.
20at20 is a program that is willing to help me save some of my hard-earned income. 20at20 is a program presented by The Off-Broadway Alliance. The OBA believes that everyone should have access to the theater. 20at20 is a bi-annual, 20-day program that makes $20 tickets available to most Off-Broadway shows. Head to the box office 20 minutes before curtain and mention 20at20 to get a $20 ticket to the show.(source) I know you’re like, get to the important part…when can I get tickets??? NOW! The program is happening now. You still have time to get your tickets. As I said, 20at20 is live. You have until Sept 22nd to go see a number of shows.
You have over THIRTY options. Yup, there are more than thirty shows are participating in this round of the program.
Gazillion Bubble Show
That Chemistry Show
DaVinci & Michelangelo
The Exes
Rock of Ages
The Play That Goes Wrong
Perfect Crime
Jersey Boys
Fiddler on the Roof
Caesar & Cleopatra
American Moor
Blue Man Group
That Chemistry Show
Sistas the Musical
Shake, Rattle & Roll Pianos
Naked Boys Singing
Drunk Shakespeare
Laughing Liberally
Rock of Ages
The Play That Goes Wrong
A Musical About Star Wars
Fern Hill
Feinstien’s 54 below
Katsuro Sunshine Rakugo
The Fabulous Rat Pack Undead
That Physics Show
Alice In Wonderland
How many of these have made you or your family’s list? We have seen the Gazillion Bubbles Show and the Blue Man Group. We enjoyed both of them. They were great for JustaBXgirl and her older cousin’s that went to them with us. We are heading soon to see Sistas: The Musical and Alice In Wonderland. Sistas has been on this mama’s must-see list for a long while. It makes me happy that I get to take my baby with me. Who is your favorite theater companion?