Books and live shows top my favorite past times. When we were invited to attend Blogger Night to see The Lightning Thief The Percy Jackson Musical I was really excited. I even got JustaBXgrandpa to agree to come with us. A family night out is always a good reason to skip bedtime. JustaBXgirl wasn’t as excited as I was though. You see, a few months ago we picked up The Lightning Thief book and didn’t finish it.
Now if you have read Rick Roardin’s book then you know that it is not the type of story you just put down. I was really sad when JustaBXgirl asked me to stop reading because it had been years since I had entered the world of Percy Jackson. JustaBXgirl didn’t ask me to stop reading because she didn’t like the story. She asked me to stop reading because while she LOVED the action the book scared her.
Yes, I knew that the story scared her and I still chose to take her to see the Broadway version of it. I’m sure that you’re wondering why. That’s what I’m here to share. When you take an action-packed book and add music then some of the scary parts are sure to go away. JustaBXgirl was happy to go to the show because even though she has been to many live performances and a bunch of Off-Broadway shows she has only been to one Broadway show before this one. Yet, the whole way there she was hesitant. It wasn’t until the theater lights went down and the actors took the stage that she exhaled a but.
Before you knew it, she was lost in the show and was nowhere as scared of the Minotaur or Medusa from the stage as she was when she imagined them as I read to her. She spent the show rooting for Percy and his friends and wondering what would come next. I enjoyed that the Broadway version got her interested in the story again. Who knows, maybe soon she will be reading the book to herself.
The show, much like the book is geared for those ages 8 and over but I think that it is toned down enough that a precocious five-year-old can enjoy it without being too frightened,
Don’t forget, experiences like Broadway Shows are great gifts. I know it is only October but it is just about time to start thinking about what you’re getting who for the holiday season. The show runs now through January 5th. You can check the details at www.lightningthiefmusical.com.