I had planned on doing some fun travel-ready posts to get everyone ready for Spring Break BUT it seems that thanks to COVID-19 we all are making plans for some serious staycations.
I’ve shared with you before that we live in a really tiny dwelling so finding space to make our own can get difficult. When we are in the midst of our everyday hustle and bustle it isn’t too bad but when we are practicing social distancing and staying indoors it can take some creativity. One item which I was going to share on a must-have list for traveling is noise-canceling headphones.

JustaBXgirl loves her Buddy Phones wireless headphones and began wearing them as noise-canceling ones so when given the chance to check out Buddy Phones Guardian we jumped. They reduce sound by 26 decibels making them ideal for when you are living life out loud. Yet, they are also ideal for when you’re trying to calm things down. These are great to help your little focus and find their place in a crowded and noisy space. I’ve even borrowed them from JustaBXgirl when I need some quiet time sitting at my desk in the midst of my cohabitants chaos.

Dr. Panda Games have always been my goto apps when it comes to allowing JustaBXgirl screen time. As always they do not disappoint. And because they know that right now the world needs a bit more kindness and help they have made five of their apps free. Yes, FIVE!!! They will be free until March 23rd.
Dr. Panda in Space: https://bit.ly/2Wi3XFg
Dr. Panda Bath Time: https://bit.ly/2TROo5d
Dr. Panda & Toto’s Treehouse: https://bit.ly/38SH7GL
Dr. Panda School: https://bit.ly/2TVTCND
Dr. Panda Hoopa City: https://bit.ly/39UWGPo
I also know that we are all trying to figure out this homeschooling thing. I’m here to remind you that school at home doesn’t have to look like it does in a classroom. Think outside the box. Look for things you already have at home and find ways to connect them to what you’re trying to teach. We have been doing a lot of science with kits we have around the house. Three that we have used this week are Make Your Own Slimy Gloop, Top Trumps North American Wildlife, and Magic Aqua Crystals.

All littles love making slime so the Make Your Own Slimy Gloop sets are great options for these projects. They come pre-portioned and are simple enough for the littles to do without much supervision. Honestly, that’s my biggest draw right now. I’m looking for things that JustaBXgirl can do by herself or with just a little bit of help. They are also a wonderful price point on Amazon right now at $5 or less!

I learned about Top Trumps Cards at this year’s Toy Fair and am wondering why nobody told me about this earlier!!! There are so many different topics to choose from. We played the North American Wildlife version to cover science class and had just as much fun learning about the animals as we did playing the game.

JustaBXgirl has wanted to grow crystals FOREVER. Me? Not so much. I will admit that I wasn’t even too excited when our friends at Goliath sent us over the Magic Aqua Crystal set. I figured I would include it in my Easter Basket coverage and put it in my niece’s basket so that I would not have to do it with justaBXgirl. I thought it would be one of those items that the littles loved and the parents would be annoyed by. I was WRONG. This set was so EASY. There was no mess and JustaBXgirl was even able to read the directions by herself. She had so much fun doing this and the projects came our really cute.
You can head over to my Instagram to see us having fun with these projects and more. I will do my best to continue adding resources that can prove helpful as we all adjust to this new normal of social distancing. I’ve added a Youtube video I did this week listing a few other resources. Please send me resources you have and ways that you are making things work for your family. I would love to get more ideas to try with JustaBXgirl AND be able to continue sharing with others.