School is almost done for us. Every year, by the end of May I begin getting antsy counting down the last days (weeks) but this year it definitely hit differently. On one hand, I am so excited that we can finally give up trying to use this thrown together version of remote learning and get our summer started. On the other hand, I’m going to miss JustaBXgirl having time with her teachers and friends. Either way, in our home, learning doesn’t stop. Reading is one of my favorite ways to avoid the summer slide and introduce new topics to JustaBXgirl or to enforce lessons already learned.

Three Paws New Family – Every family looks different. That’s a lesson that I have taught to JustaBXgirl since before she could speak. I love that this book shows us that every family is unique and someone doesn’t have to be connected by DNA to be family.

Explorer Academy The Star Dunes – We usually don’t start a book in the middle of the series but when I read the synopsis on The Star Dunes I knew we had to check it out. Once (if) our libraries open this summer we will be checking out the rest of the series. JusaBXgirl loves adventures and this series is filled with adventure and friendship and mystery.

National Geographic Kids Extreme Ocean – Did you know that JustaBXgirl absolutely adores all things underwater? I think she might have been a mermaid in a past life. We love the images in this book and I love how informative it is while continuing to be entertaining.

Caribu Reading App – I don’t usually use apps in my bookshelf but this seems like one I had to share. It will be free all summer and allows video conferencing along with a complete library of content for children to read. You can even sign up for free #CampCaribu weekly activities and challenges.

A Kids Guide To Corona Virus – With numbers continuing to grow around the country and temperatures rising it is important to explain to littles what really is happening. This is also a FREE download so go get it now!

Unstuck! 10 Things To Stay Safe and Sane During The Pandemic – Have you tapped out on parenting yet? I feel like many of us have used up all of our creative parenting energy by this point and are looking for new ideas. Here are a few new ideas and another FREE download!

Big Heart Feels – This series is awesome. If you’ve been here a while you might remember when we featured Small Voice Says. This is the final book in the series and is another wonderful message. JustaBXgirl has been an empath since birth. Being an empath and explaining compassion though are two different things. This is a great story to help open up discussions on many topics about considering other people’s perspectives.

Who Do You Serve, Who Do You Protect? – With so much discussion going on about #DefundThePolice and #AbolishThePolice I think that it is critical to understand where those arguments are coming from. Let me warn you though, I was crying and angry by chapter one.

Creating Equality At Home – There was a lot of joking at the beginning of quarantine about how marriages would survive. I might not have those issues but I know many of you do. JustaOrlandomom was happy to check this book out and grab some marriage hacks from other married people just like her!

The Andromeda Evolution – You know that thing I said about not liking to jump into existing series…guilty of breaking the rule on this one too! I’ve just started this one and already can tell that I will be transported into this world and time.