Once upon a time we used to worry about if our children spent too much time on screens! Can you believe that? Do you remember what that was like? A few years ago I even wrote a post on how to limit screen time without major tantrums. Today, that is all out the window. We are on screens around the clock.
That doesn’t mean that the old concerns are gone. It just means that we have to make things work. Many students, like JustaBXgirl, are attending school completely online. Other students are attending some school online. Even if your child isn’t attending any school online chances are they are spending more time on a screen.
If you’re a parent like me then you’re probably over having to manage screen time. Between making sure that our littles get to classes on time, turn in Google homework, have virtual play dates AND still beg for Youtube, Roblox and Fortnite you might be over screens. Don’t worry, I’m there. I’m also here to remind you that all screen time isn’t bad. In fact, I am here to share about four sites that can put your mind at ease when your little is logged on. Yup, once your child checks these out then maybe you can get a chance to log in on your own and actually make it through a Netflix show.

Education.com – I have been screaming the praises of this site for many, many moons. JustaBXgirl’s Abuela purchased her a lifetime membership to this a few years ago and I swear it is the best gift EVER. I’m sure that you have heard me brag about JustaBXgirl having a reading and math level that is advanced for her age. I would love to say that she gets it from her mama but in reality, she gets it through hard work and some fun on this site. Education.com premium membership comes with guided lessons that allow students pre-k through 5th grade to work independently through games. They cover reading, math and typing. Yes, typing! You know that thing that schools expect children to know how to do without ever having taught them before? This site does it. Plus premium membership grants us adults with full curriculums worth of lesson plans and worksheets. I’m talking home school GOLD.

Star Stable Online – JustaBXgirl found this game through Cookie Swirl C’s Youtube page. She begged me to buy it and while I knew she wouldn’t use it as much as she promised to I realized that it was a great learning tool even though it is designed simply to be a fun adventure. This game teaches children to tend for horses, challenges them to do lots of reading, and even introduces money management!

Adventure Academy – This is another fun game that JustaBXgirl can get lost in for hours. She loves leveling up and purchasing new products when she completes quests. While she’s having fun shopping and checking out the campus she is also reading, researching new subjects and practicing existing skills. I love the look of joy and achievement on her face when she solves a riddle or gets an answer correct. You also may have caught my IG post sharing about how Kwame Alexander is doing a master class for kids in the app as well. It is called Wordplay and I want to attend!

RosieReader.com – I was just contemplating this post when information about this site popped up in my inbox. It is ideal for those with littles aged 3-5. It offers printables, reviews and book inspired play. Best thing about it to me is that it is the creation of a mom and her daughter! If you’re like me and need a little help when doing crafts make sure to check out their videos.

BrainHQ.com – If you have an older little at home or you yourself can use some help gaining focus then you definitely want to check this out. While the other games here are for the under 13 life learners this is for the over 13 crowd. It is an app that is all about brain training. I’ve been playing it for a few weeks and love how the app adapts to your skill set. On days when I am focused, I pass levels a lot quicker and see my progression a lot more than on days when I’m feeling a bit frantic or tired when I play and I notice the game reroute to my current ability.