Spring has sprung. That means days are longer and there is more time for reading. I’ve been talking a lot about literacy lately on the Clubhouse and with my coaching clients. Many adults feel like children don’t want to read. Yet, when pushed, they share that their littles don’t often see them read. Just like everything in life, our children are watching. They learn what they live. It is also important that we give ourselves grace when it comes to finding time to read because we have a lot on our plates so don’t forget to listen to audiobooks or someone reading to you on Youtube. Here is a peek at some of what is currently on our reading list.

Dear Mrs. President – A lot of times we think of only introducing certain topics at certain times of the year. I enjoyed bringing this book into our home when the media is not harping on election season. It was a great way to remind my daughter that the work isn’t done only to get into office. The work of a politician is done daily. They remain responsible for putting their best efforts forward to do the best for their constituents every day that they serve. And as citizens we are responsible for letting them know how they are doing. In her letter to POTUS, Naya Mendoza shares what she sees Madame President doing and being. She also shares how the president inspires her. And after all that little Naya shares what she believes should happen next. There are so many lessons to be taken from this read including the reminder that #representationmatters.

Little Kids First Big Book of Why – This is designed for little kids BUT it definitely taught me a thing of three! Every bookshelf can use this to help get through the Why stage that many littles go through. It also is a great way to introduce new topics without it feeling all schooly! My homeschooling families will find this a great way to practice interest based learning.

Why? Over 1,111 Answers to Everything – Once you have answered all of the questions in the First Big Book of Why you will be ready for this one! This one truly is filled with information on all things your little (and you are wondering about). This book delovers meaningful information in concies answers that truly answer the questions posed. It will be abother favorite among homeschooling families. This book is split into seven chapters with so much information in each chapter you can spend many days on each one.

Let’s Learn About Chemistry – If this was how they taught me chemistry then I might have paid more attention! My daughter is learning some of these concepts in second grade so having this board book around the house helps solidify the lessons. I wish we would have had it when she was younger because I think it is a wonderful way to learn about chemistry and get young scientists interested early on.

Alone – I giggled when I read this book. The illustrations support the story and the story is very well written. On a more serious note, there are a number of messages that can be discussed with littles after reading it. You can cover respecting other’s space. There can be chats about how to include friends into your world while respecting your boundaries. You can discuss proper animal care and so much more. Or you can simply sit back and enjoy a fun read by Barry Falls.

The Wind Under The Door – It is hard to believe that this is the author’s first book. It is written in a way that pulls you right into the story. This is a powerful and emotional book about starting over. What happens when you begin to rebuild and are pulled back and reminded of who you were?

Your Work From Home Life – I’ve been working from home since JustaBXgirl was two years old. Throughout the years we have had some hiccups but have been able to navigate it pretty well for our family. A lot of other families have shifted to a work from home space over the past year. I’ve worked on coaching people through different ways to make the transition smoother because while everyone usually thinks that they will love working from home it’s not always as easy as it seems. This book is now where I start the conversation. It has so many helpful worksheets, tips and checklists that it has me revisiting my own space and plans.

Seven Sisters and A Brother – I knew nothing about the 1969 Takeover before reading this book. I was an Africana Studies (Africana Studies is the study, research, interpretation, and dissemination of knowledge concerning African American, African, and Caribbean affairs and culture.) minor at Rutgers University and this never came up. How? As an adult reading about the courage and strength of these Swarthmore College students, I was inspired and concerned about each of them. If I would have learned about them twenty years ago, I would have been inspired and compared their experience to mine. The book read as if I was listening to a group of friends speak about it. I could see these women and this man sharing their memories, interrupting each other to add something else. I can’t wait for my daughter to be a little older so that she can read their experience and see how it affects her.

Empowered Black Girl – “You are magic. You always have been.” Right at the beginning of the book I felt snatched. I remind my daughter constantly that she is magic yet, I rarely give myself the reminder. I rarely give myself the grace that I demand for others. This books helps us find our way to our magic by sharing advice and options to reclaim our greatness. The Affirmation Stations found throughout the book help us wake up the magic inside even as we continue to pour that magic into others.

The Overly Honest Teacher – I have always been of the mindset that all adults in a child’s life should work together to be a team. I have also had the experience of having some teacher’s not be the type of people that I would choose to include in my child’s village if given the choice. This book is an inside look from the other side. This book shares in full transparency how one educator views her role and the role of parents in the classroom. Meredith brings us on her journey as an educator from when she first entered the classroom until now. She shares her highs and her lows in ways that bring us into the room with her. The tips shared throughout the book had me taking notes. They are succinct and clear ways that we can support teachers and our children.