These are a few of the things we watched this month. It also seemed a month to revisit some old favorites that I didn’t include. I think JustaBXgirl is now up to her eigth viewing of Girl Meets World. She is starting to refer to the episodes by their titles. Included here are the standout titles from this month’s movie nights and one of the series that kept me up late after JustaBXgirl went to bed.

Raya and the Last Dragon – I know that I am late to the party since Raya was released in March BUT let me share why I wanted to talk about this phenomenal movie this month rather than last month. Raya is now available for everyone. Yup, you can own them movie digitally RIGHT NOW!!!! And if you’re extra patient, you can own the DVD/Bluray/Digital combo in a few weeks (May 18th). However you choose to watch it, please, please add this to your must-see movie list. The animation is incredible. The movie is beyond entertaining. It is emotional, comedic, action-packed, educational, and more. Seriously, one of my favorite Disney movies ever. And those of you that have been here a while know how I feel about all things, Disney!

The Mitchells vs. The Machines – If you’re on our mailing list then you might have already seen this since we did an advance screening this past Monday. And if you’re not on our mailing list you might want to get on it so that you don’t miss future screenings and VIP (Very Important Parents) perks. Sign up below. This movie was hilarious. I can’t wait for it to be release on April 30th so that I can watch it again. As action-packed and humorous as it is there are real messages contained. The family dynamic is one that I think many can relate to but it is not delivered in a way that takes away from the fun of the film.

Planet Earth The Series – This was perfect for this month as we were celebrating Earth Day. We are big documentary watchers. We love learning about nature and our world by seeing how it has been documented. If you’re looking for a way to truly see the beauty in our world this is a great find.

The Serpent – I had never heard of Charles Sobhraj prior to seeing this listed on Netflix. I ate up each episode and couldn’t believe that this was based on real-life events. Have you seen it yet?