With the school year winding down, I do my best to make sure JustaBXgirl has productive ways to transition into summer fun (and learning). And I remind myself that it is okay to read for pleasure and not always professional development! This month’s bookshelf has something for all ages including a giveaway to one of our favorite online games, Star Stable. I have shared about it in the past and am excited to be able to give away a lifetime membership to one of you. Keep reading to find out how to win!

Hoppy and Poppie PinkCheeks Not So Scary Board Book – I shared the plush and bands from Hoppy & Poppy PinkCheeks recently but didn’t speak about the book. I love it. JustaBXgirl loves it. I worried that she wouldn’t want to help review it since it is a board book but that did not stop her from enjoying it. It is a great way to begin discussing emotions with littles. It gives them added vocabulary words beyond mad, sad, angry and scared. Allowing littles to have more options when it comes to the words they use is a gift as it gives them more room to think about their feelings. We are looking forward to many adventures with Hoppy & Poppie PinkCheeks and their friends.

Paletero Man – This book has me ready for summer. It is a beautiful ode to a favorite summer treat. It also reminds us of the importance of community. One of my favorite parts of the book is the use of Spanglish, a mix of Spanish and English. I’m not fluent in Spanish and JustaBXgirl isn’t interested in learning the language but books like these pull her into the beauty of Spanish. It is a great way to introduce a new language to littles and learn for ourselves. And, Lucky Diaz’s title song on his upcoming bilingual album takes you on a tour of NYC!

No Pants – We have all been there. We’ve had tons of fun wrangling a toddler into clothing as we attempt to arrive on time to a scheduled event. This book puts our pain into a visually adorable and humorous setting complete with a surprise ending! Are you #teampants or #teamnopants?

Three Paws and the Secret Cave – We have been fans of the Three Paws crew since last year. You might remember reading about them in last year’s June Bookshelf. Now our friends are back and are joining Scarlet in a celebration of life as they honor Scarlet’s grandpa, Cappy. JustaBXgirl adores reading books that include grandpas.

Tawny and Maya Unique Me – There are so many things that I love about this book. First, it is a wonderful message about how we are all individuals and have our own likes, dislikes, and styles. Second, it reminds us that even in a family we can look, act and feel different. Third, I love that it showcases a dad as the primary caretaker. We don’t see that often in books. Once you get past those amazing messages, it is a beautifully illustrated work around a very important topic of hair. Hair is at the heart of so many discussions for Women of Color that it excites me to see the conversation started with little girls in a way that is accepting for all hair types.

Soul Riders Darkness Falling -The final book in the trilogy is available! We have been fans of Star Stable for a long time so when the series came out JustaBXgirl was super excited. You might remember me sharing about it in a past bookshelf. Will these four friends be able to save our beloved Jorvik? There is so much adventure in the series that it will keep littles and bigs turning the page both wanting to find out how it ends and yet, wanting it to continue past the last page! Don’t worry though, the adventure doesn’t have to end because we are sending one of our readers to Jorvik. Yup, we are giving away one LIFETIME membership to the game!!! Enter below.

Opal Octopus Is Overwhelmed – Opal Octopus is me. I am Opal Octopus! Opal is a pleaser. She wants to see everyone around her happy so she says yes, even when she should be saying no. This book is a great way to introduce young people (and not so young people) to ways to honor themselves and their needs. I love the RESET acronym included in the book and will be using it for myself and sharing it with others as a way to help myself feel less stress and take better care of self.

How Do I Remember All That? – Braden speaks my language. He has trouble remembering a lot of things at once. School is getting more complicated and mom has a laundry list of things for him to get done at home. How can he keep all of that information in his head??? Braden is fortunate to have people in his world that share tips for retention. He becomes such an expert that he ends up sharing tips with others!

The Hidden Triceratops – Dinosaurs are always a good choice. I have not met a child that hasn’t had at least a slight interest in them. I was excited about this book starring a Triceratops and a Pteranodon because they are two of JustaBXgirl’s favorite dinosaurs. I enjoyed how the author talked directly to the reader. You don’t see that often in a children’s book and it was refreshing. It also served as a wonderful way to share facts about dinosaurs while not losing sight of the story at hand.

The Adventures of Darren and Destiny – Ghana has been on my travel wish list for years. When Strive Higher Inc created the #StriveExplorers program, I was super excited that Ghana was one of the countries that the children would be studying. During the first session the littles were able to virtually meet Jay Cameron and share their opinions and questions about this book. This book is a wonderful introduction to a beautiful country and culture. We are excited to go on more adventures with Darren and Destiny!

Transformed – Any time that I can rep The Bronx I am excited. When the press release for this book popped up in my inbox I was intrigued. Shortly after (or maybe before), I saw the book and the author mentioned on The Lit Bar’s Instagram page. Once I posted that I had received the book and was excited to start reading, a high school friend jumped into my comments calling the author family. I knew then that this book was going to be powerful and was meant for me to read. From the first page, I was drawn in. Remi’s journey is more than geographical, it is more than spiritual, it is a journey of self that is authentic and transparent. And we know that is what I am all about!
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