It’s my birthday month!!!! Yup, I’m going to keep reminding you in hopes that my friends and family reading are reminded that I like to be celebrated. This month, even the books I include can be about me and how I plan to walk into my next chapter of life. Reading, chapter, get it? Anyway, here are a few titles that have crossed my shelf this month that I thought could be part of my reading celebration. And even though it is my birthday, I am offering a giveaway for one of the titles over on my Instagram page so make sure to check it out and enter!

Zeus The Mighty – JustaBXgirl and I enjoy reading book series together (as I’m sure you know). This is a really fun one that we will be reading this summer as we await book 3’s release in August. This is a wonderful way to introduce littles to Greek Mythology. The antics of the animals from Mount Olympus pet supply and rescue will have you and/or your littles believing that they are truly on mythical quests!

The Ultimate Book of Dad Jokes – I must have been a dad in a past life because I cannot get enough of dad jokes. I seriously annoy JustaBXgirl with them on a regular basis. This book gives me so many to choose from with over 1,000 jokes included. There are so many good ones that I just can’t choose a favorite. The math joke section though is one that I can’t get enough of!

The Big Book of Spy Trivia – I’m a trivia buff. I had a friend that used to call me Snapple because I contained random facts! This book gets me to level up on things outside of the parenting and pre-tween world. That is something I promised myself that I would do in this chapter of life. Get back to doing things I enjoy for myself outside of my role as a mom. Gathering random knowledge is at the top of that list. I really like how you can flip to a page in the book and see a question on top followed clearly by the answer. It allows me to know have to dedicate large blocks of time to read this book but also gives me valuable information in the time I do have to spare.

Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual– Have I mentioned how amazing my friends are? One of my BFFs got me a copy of this when it came out and I am just getting around to reading it! Yup, I know I’m late to the game. Like many of you, I live for Luvvie’s words of wisdom. As we walk back into the world it is important that we learn to walk without fear. I’ve got the truth-telling part down, now it is time for me to work on releasing the fear. I’m taking notes as I read. I suggest you do the same!

The Teensy Weensy Virus – This book was written for preschoolers but it is such a calm, simple way to express what we have all experienced as COVID-19 took over our world over a year ago. I’m happy to have it on my bookshelf and recommend it for everyone trying to take the fear away from our families while still communicating the severity of what we are dealing with. And while it is not the subject of the book, I need to share my delight in the diversity included in these pages.

The Grumpy Frumpy Croissant – This book is great for littles (and not-so-littles) that have big emotions. At times, we all feel our emotions in ways that we can’t control. I love including books in JustaBXgirl’s bookshelf that give her ideas on how to handle these moments. Milk was a wonderful mediator in this story. It was a great way to illustrate that sometimes we need outside help to get to a resolution. My favorite part was that it showed different perspectives. Our Croissant friend felt wronged, which contributed to his grumpiness.

LEGO with Dad – LEGO is such an everyday part of our home that I thought this book would be a good addition for some summer fun. JustaBXgirl is picking out which projects will be solo projects, which will be mommy and me projects, and which will be JustaBXgrandpa projects. Sometimes single parents run from books, products, and events that amplify the other parent. I do my best not to do this. While I am not and never will be JustaBXgirl’s dad, that doesn’t mean that I can’t enjoy some LEGO time with her. This book has a variety of really fun projects that we are looking forward to bringing to life. I might even use a few for Toy Schooling over the summer!

Thrivers – I’m really excited to share this book. As I walk into my next sun rotation, I know that I am at a turning point for myself and my daughter. Opening this book was a message that I am on the right path for my family. I am raising an intelligent, sensitive, empathetic, high achiever. JustaBXgirl strives to be her best in all that she does. I worry at times about the pressure that she puts on herself. Yup, at 8, she already holds herself to a very high standard. Reading this book helped me to exhale. It validated many of my beliefs while still pushing me to look at and reexamine others. As I help guide my daughter and my coaching clients through childhood, I will return back to this book to help keep my eyes on the prize, thriving not simply surviving.
[…] been fans of Zeus The Mighty for a while. You might remember when we shared about the series here. Book 4 is just as fun and filled with adventure as the previous installments. My favorite part of […]