School’s out for summer but not in our home. This summer we are spending it having a Home School Trial Period. You know companies offer trial periods on important purchases? Money-back guarantees for 30-90 days to decide if it is right for you? We are doing that with HOME SCHOOL! Yup, we are basically transitioning from afterschool home school to full-time home school while using summer break as our trial period.
I’ve never been one to depend on an institution to educate my child fully. I have always felt the need to add extra lessons to JustaBXgirl’s schedule. I didn’t do as much supplementing during the past school year, and I can see the difference. After spending a year sitting in the back of JustaBXgirl’s class, I realized that I wasn’t that impressed with what and how she was learning. This is not a criticism of the teachers. I believe that given the circumstances they did an amazing job keeping the students on task and grade level.

My critique comes when my child shares that the teaching styles haven’t changed much from being in the classroom. What do I mean? This year I learned that Youtube was used more often than not in the classroom. I saw teachers slow down students learning because they weren’t prepared to teach the next lesson. I saw test anxiety grow not only for my child but for other children in the class. I saw socialization take a backseat during a time when children needed to feel connected to each other.

Together, JustaBXgirl and I decided that the time had come to give homeschool a shot. It is not the answer for everyone but it seems to be the answer for us. I’m sharing this with you because I have noticed whenever I share offline, people are genuinely interested. They have questions. They feel similar but are unsure of their capabilities to give do homeschool. I want you to know that if I can do it then so can you. I want you to understand why my content is shifting a bit so that I can be authentic and transparent about where we currently are on our journey.

I am sharing because I want you to know that there are a ridiculous amount of FREE resources available to help you make decisions on your journey. And, I am here sharing because I want you to know that whatever decision you make for your family is the right one for your family. Homeschool full-time, part-time, after school, before school, on weekends, or not at all. Always trust yourself to know what your family needs.

I will be starting a monthly #HiHomeschool series highlighting resources, concerns, and all things that come up in this new journey. I have also started a Tik Tok! I have resisted joining Tik Tok because I didn’t think that I had anything to add to it but I think that it will be a good way to concentrate all of my homeschool content there. My plan is to start a Youtube series on it too but those of you that have been here for a while know that I am not consistent over there.