We have a lot of goodies on our bookshelf this month. In fact, we really might need a new bookshelf. How often do you clean out your bookshelves? We do it every few months. I find the beginning of the school year to be a great time to do it. We take time to look and see if there are any books that JustaBXgirl has outgrown and doesn’t want any longer, or if there are any books on our shelf that would be more loved by friends on their shelves. It also gives JustaBXgirl the opportunity to revisit books that she might have forgotten about.
Would anyone be interested in seeing our shelves in a Hi Homeschool video? You can let us know which of your favorites that we have on our shelves. In the meantime, I am sharing our favorites from this month.

Where’s Brian’s Bottom? – “This might be the longest book in the world!” That was a direct quote from JustaBXgirl. After reading and giggling through the book, she measured herself next to it and came up short! Am I the only one that thinks board books are a good idea for all ages? We sometimes create stories about the stories after reading them. I like to see how JustaBXgirl’s imagination adds to the story in front of her.

Boogie Boogie Y’all – One of our favorite things when walking around our city, is to look for the art and music all around us. This book brings that art into our homes. I was super excited to get our hands on an advanced edition. JustaBXgirl kept saying how beautiful the illustrations were and I had to agree. This book is a love story to the people and places of the Bronx and I am here for it!

Remember Me When…– This is a beautiful book. It is a wonderful way to help littles through grief. It helps for not-so-littles as well. It paints a picture that saying goodbye is not forever. We know that death is not something we look forward to discussing with our children but it is part of life. I love that the book leaves space to add your own ways to remember.

This Book is Not A Bedtime Story – It really is though! It is the best type of bedtime story to tell your little monster that doesn’t want to go to bed. JustaBXgirl enjoyed reading this to me. She loved the monsters in the book and got a kick out of how the monsters wanted to be scary but were also really cute and cuddly.

Guion The Lion – This book is a perfect addition to our library because we work to see the world just like Guion does, full of color and magic. When looking at the world, how do you see it? Is the world basic and blah or filled with color and imagination? Thank you Guion for reminding us to help others see the magic.

A Picnic In The Sun – Marty, Minnie, Maggie, and Bertie take us on an adventure with them and many of their animal friends and we get to have a picnic along the way! This is a fun story that includes a soundtrack. I often tell JustaBXgirl that the world has a soundtrack playing. We just have to be open to hear it. This book puts the soundtrack directly into the story by including the songs on the pages with the story and bonus, you get a CD! We were able to learn some new songs and revisit some that we already know.

Songs on the Vanilla Trail – We’re using this book for homeschooling. One of the things that I said we would do is study music this year. We are using this book to not only learn about lullabies but learn more about East and Southern Africa. Talk about win-win. And the CD included with the book allows us to simply enjoy the music at our leisure (and bedtime).

Luna Finds Love EveryWhere – So many of this month’s books have themes that truly align with my parenting style. Looking for love in everything is right up there with listening to the music, and seeing the art is all that we do and pass by. I like this story a lot because it takes time to talk to the reader and gives the reader a chance to check in on their feelings. It also offers advice and strategy. Our world can make us feel sad, angry, and scared at times. Remembering that love is everywhere gives us an anchor. It helps us hold onto the joy and find our community.