When JustaBXgirl was tiny, we would play Cinderella. I would take on the role of Evil Stepmother and she would be pre-glass slipper Cinderella. Say what? Yup, I would order her around and tell her to clean my walls, or wipe my table, or sweep. Sweeping was funny because she was tiny and the broom was much bigger than she was. She enjoyed these games and I used the playtime to teach her how to do certain jobs around the house.
Now that she’s eight, she isn’t as easily pulled into my shenanigans. Still, certain lessons are important. At some point in her life, she will be an adult responsible for her own space. She has just recently begun using the stove under supervision. That means that she knows how to make a mess. What chef doesn’t make a mess? It’s my responsibility to make sure that she knows how to clean up that mess just as well.
The thing is though that while I learned to clean using all types of chemicals that we now know are bad for us and our homes, I want to make sure that when JustaBXgirl cleans that she is safe, she is using safe products, and that she understands how to look for products that are good not only for our home but for our world.

You already know that we like using Kids N Pets Stain & Odor Remover in our home. You saw JustaBXgirl cleaning with it when we moved in. It is safe enough for me to trust on my walls and with my child. That says a lot. My stance on this cleaner remains the same as the last time I wrote about it, here. I still haven’t learned about those enzymes but I continue to see them in action.

JustaBXgirl knows when we have a spill or a stain that I’m calling in my reinforcements and depending on Kids & Pets to help me out. She knows when she is assigned to get down to the nitty-gritty, that she wants a cleaner in her corner that won’t disappoint.
How does cleaning work in your home? Do your littles get in on the fun? Or do they hide behind a dust bunny and lay low as you annihilate the grit and grime?