I considered doing another 25 Books of Christmas type post. Then I realized that by the time I would get it up, we would already be in the Christmas countdown. Instead, I want to share a few books that will definitely make great holiday gifts but can also be great additions to your library at any time of the year. And while they all look like children’s books, rest assured that you will enjoy them just as much!

The Ultimate Book of African Animals – Have you ever wanted to go on an African Safari? When you read through this book, you will feel like you are there with the animals, just a heck of a lot safer. This book is better than a safari any day since you get close-up photos that are paired with so much info about each animal and with questions to keep you wondering and wanting to learn more. Why do some rhinoceros have one horn and others two horns? Why are giraffes necks so long? Why do male lions have manes? Grateful for books like this that take us on adventures from the safety of our own homes.

Little Kids FirstBig Book Rocks, Minerals, and Shells – The photographs in this book are gorgeous. The quality of them makes you feel like you are seeing the scene in person. It feels like you can reach out and feel the texture of the images. My favorite part of this book is that while it is giving information and facts, it still leaves questions to engage the readers. The questions cause the reader to think about the relation to the subject and can be used to further conversations on the topic.

Witches Handbook – When Aunt Amarga sends her niece and nephew a letter that they should visit her, I’m not sure they or the reader is aware of just how much their aunt would be sharing! They (and us) are given a behind-the-scenes who’s who of some of the greatest witches of all times. We really enjoyed the activities included in the book.

Top Secret – I really thought about saving this one for my next #HiHomeschool post. I just wanted to make sure that nobody missed it. This book is so fun. JustaBXgirl is not that into writing. If you read #HiHomeschool posts, then you already know that. This book has her wanting to write every day! It has taught her how to set up her own spy network, make invisible ink, and crack the code (to name a few). If you have a young one that is into spy stuff, then this is not a book, it is a guide to the history of their people. It is a manual for becoming their best super spy self.

English & Spanish Crossword Puzzles for Kids – Have I mentioned that JustaBXgirl is taking Spanish classes? Have I also mentioned that one of my downtime activities is crossword puzzles? Sometimes, JustaBXgirl curls up next to me and helps me with my puzzles. This book allowed me to give her puzzles of her own. It also gives the extra challenge of having some puzzles in Spanish. She’s definitely not at the point of being able to do the Spanish puzzles alone, but the challenge gives her something to work towards.

Brain Candy 3 – Do you have a certain someone that cannot get enough random facts? Are you that person? This book is for you. JustaBXgirl and I love learning random facts so this is the type of book that we will leave on the table, open to a random page then start a conversation about whatever the page says. Did you know box jellyfish have 24 eyes? That simple fact can take us down a rabbit hole where we will come out the other side knowing all things jellyfish.

A Cat Named Sam – As soon as I opened this book, I knew it would be a new favorite for JustaBXgirl. One, she loves cats, and two, she is here for rhyming fun. Sam and his best friend Bam have quite the Christmas Eve adventure. This is a great lesson in how listening is important and how sometimes only hearing a snippet of a conversation won’t always give you a clear picture. Or, you can simply enjoy it for the fun, exciting tale that it is!

101 Life Hacks – I know it says National Geographic Kids on the cover but let me set the record straight, these hacks are not just for the little ones in our world. Do you know how to make more room in your suitcase when packing for a trip? Do you know how to unsmell your stinky shoes? What about multiplying double digits in your head? You’ll learn these hacks and so many more in this book. Then you can make TikTok videos doing them and become a star? Just my child’s reaction? I think not, LOL.

Go Wild! Sea Turtles – When justaBXgirl was tiny, she loved a movie called A Turtles Tale: Sammy’s Adventure. We must have watched it dozens of times. It is what I credit with her love of Sea Turtles. This book is no cartoon. It is very informative. While reading through the book we learn about sea turtles’ habitats, where they reside, and more about the seven kinds of sea turtles that swim in the world’s oceans. My favorite part of the book is where it shares how humans are helping sea turtles and how exactly we can help.
If you made it this far, I have a special treat. Head over to my Instagram page to enter my latest giveaway.