Live shows are back. Okay, you know this already. It just makes me excited to see old favorites return for the holidays. You might remember, way back when times were simpler that JustaNJmom shared about The Hip-Hip Nutcracker. I’m here to scream that it is back. Now that we have celebrated, let me share the not-so-great news. It is only back for ONE DAY. Yup, you read that correctly. You only have one day to catch the show at NJPAC.
Don’t fret though. There will be two shows happening on Saturday, December 18th. You have your choice of an afternoon or evening performance. Or if you want to be crazy, You can catch both! Okay, that might be a little extra but I know some of you are considering it.

And in case you didn’t click the link to our previous post about The Hip-Hop Nutcracker and are wondering more about it. Here is the description straight from the NJPAC site:
Directed and choreographed by Jennifer Weber, this contemporary dance spectacle is a re-mixed and re-imagined version of the classic, smashing hip hop dance and Tchaikovksy’s timeless music together into a heart-stirring and inspirational holiday event. The Hip Hop Nutcracker is brought to life by a powerhouse cast of a dozen all-star dancers, a DJ, a violinist, and MC Kurtis Blow, one of hip hop’s founding fathers, who opens the show with a short set.