Homeschooling has really caused me to reflect on how I view education. I follow so many amazing accounts on Instagram that have really reminded me of something that I’ve always known, learning happens everywhere. I’ve begun reminding myself that homeschool doesn’t have to look like a traditional school. I’ve gathered resources and opportunities that allow JustaBXgirl to have control over her education while still ensuring that her foundation is set. This month she participated in a Strive Higher book club on financial literacy and entrepreneurship. Her participation inspired me to craft this month’s Toy School post around “toys” that teach littles a skill. These toys can become hobbies or even small businesses for the littles (and not so littles).

Loopdedoo Deluxe – The Loopdedoo Deluxe is a finalist for the Toy Association’s Toy of The Year (TOTY). In the toy niche, that is HUGE. It also isn’t a surprise because this bracelet-making kit is beyond awesome. It allows so much creative expression. Your little will be inspired to create bracelets to wear, gift, or even sell! I love exposing JustaBXgirl to different ways to make jewelry. There is lots of versatility to the types of bracelets that can be created using this loom.

Air Dry Clay – JustaBXgirl became obsessed with Air Dry Clay after getting some Mixy Squish. Since first getting her hands on it, JustaBXgirl has created enough art using various brands of air-dry clay to host an art show. She has even gifted and sold a few pieces.

Sewing Kit – JustaBXgirl has been interested in sewing for a few years. Sometimes she is really into it and other times, it is something in the back of her mind. Lately, it has been at the forefront. She is getting much more comfortable with hand stitching and is starting to pick up how to use her sewing machine with more confidence. These types of kits are great for introducing the skill to littles. Even if they decide they don’t want to start a business around sewing, they’ll be able to hem and darn their own clothing as they get older! We haven’t tried this kit but JustaBXgirl thinks the projects included are awesome.

Cosmetic Making Kits – We have officially entered tweendom. My little is loving makeup. Meanwhile, I don’t know the difference between foundation and concealer. I’ve never been much of a makeup girl but I get the beauty of it all. Never one to brush aside JustaBXgirl’s interests, I’m elated for STMT and You*Niverse products. They allow her to indulge in makeup while doing more than just wearing it. We follow up using the kits by researching the products. So far this homeschool year, she has created lip gloss, lip balm, eye shadow, perfume, and nail polish. Move over Sephora and make room for Soco!