Yes, I know we are in December. The thing is I was on top of my game. My November Bookshelf was laid out EARLY! I had ten titles planned to share. When you scroll, you will realize that there are only seven included. In the midst of me preparing this post and laying out my gift guides, I physically got shut down and couldn’t be on the computer which meant that I couldn’t finalize the posts. I’m just getting back to business and I wanted to share what was completed. All of the titles included in this post would make great additions to your personal library, can serve as gift ideas for those in your life, or can be added to your next public library run.

A Very Asian Guide to Korean Food – #VeryAsian is a celebration of food and culture. I am here to celebrate both. Adding this book to our library is a great way for me and JustaBXgirl to learn more about Korean culture. JustaBXgirl was excited to read about Kimbap. She loves mixing seaweed, rice, and random ingredients and didn’t know that this was a Korean delicacy (neither did I). It was a great reminder that when we take time to get to know others we realize how much we really have in common.

Brave Like Mom – This story is a beautiful tale of strength. The daughter in the book shares how strong her mama is and her mama in turn helps her see how strong she is. It is a great book to share with littles that have family members that are living with chronic illnesses. It reminds us that being brave doesn’t mean not being scared but facing our fears and pushing through them.

Urban Foraging – JustaBXgirl loves gardening and cooking. Adding this book to our bookshelf is a great way for her to learn more about both. The book breaks down culinary uses, how to identify, and gather in urban areas and things to consider. We will be using this book for homeschooling science.

Santa Claus Worldwide – As we get ourselves into the Santa season this is a really informative read. I never realized how many versions of gift-givers existed beyond Santa. I’m excited to keep this book to read with JustaBXgirl when her belief in Santa shifts. I love how it is an education on the history of Santa without feeling like you’re reading a textbook.

The Tricky Riddles Book for Smart Kids – Riddles are great for critical thinking. This book has 320 riddles that will definitely give your littles and you something to think about. The book is separated by the difficulty of the riddles and even includes a silly riddle section. That might be our favorite. I’ll leave you with one of our favorites. Why should you never trust atoms?

Zeus The Mighty – We’ve been fans of Zeus The Mighty for a while. You might remember when we shared about the series here. Book 4 is just as fun and filled with adventure as the previous installments. My favorite part of the series is the importance of friendship. If you think you know something about Ancient Greek Mythology you should check out the Zeus game on National Geographic Kids.

Shiny Happy People – Yup, Shiny Happy People the picture book is the same as the R.E.M. song. In fact, as I type this, I am listening to the song in the background. Over 30 years later the message of both the song and the book remains that we should love the people around us. Treat them well and celebrate with them. We don’t have to be the same to appreciate each other.