This year for the first time in a few I was ready for Easter! Okay, maybe ready is an overstatement. This year, I realized that Easter was approaching and I had many plans for it. Then I felt like I walked through a time warp and we are now a week away, I couldn’t reach my Easter boxes in storage and had to run to Dollar Tree while hoping they still had baskets left.
So, in case you were wondering, I did not have Easter in the bag. However, I have so many good ideas on what can be filled in the Easter baskets that I can help you plan last-minute Easter baskets for your littles.
Plushies are a perfect addition to Easter baskets. Rookie mistake is going for the bunny. Everyone thinks that it is the way to go but then you’re stuck with an Easter bunny when your little isn’t into bunnies. Here are a few options to consider instead.

Sandoichis – If you follow me on Instagram, then you already know that I am a big fan of these babies. How can I not be? They are adorable. And so soft. I really can’t choose a favorite which means I need them all. I’ll be adding three of these to JustaBXgirl’s Easter basket. Series 1 has 6 plushies to collect and will be coming out soon with a Youtube series so if your little isn’t asking for them yet, they soon will be.

Garbage Pail Kids – Yup, they’re back. Let’s not lie. These are for us probably more than the littles but that is okay. This can be the moment that you introduce them to epic 80s memorabilia and partake in some nostalgia as you snuggle up with your own, I mean your little’s own GPK.

Squishmallows – You knew these had to make the list. Is there anyone left in the world that isn’t collecting these? JustaBXgirl usually collects Disney ones but this axolotl one is a special gift from JustaOrlandomom and fam for Easter so that JustaBXgirl has an axolotl that she can hug since JustaBXaxolotl has to stay submerged.
Eggs! You can’t really have an Easter basket without eggs. The thing is though that when you buy the ones to stuff then you also have to buy things to put inside them. This is how Easter baskets sometimes get really expensive. You buy the empty eggs and a few things to stuff inside. Then you realize the eggs are either too big or too small for what you purchased so you buy more stuff or more eggs. It’s a vicious cycle that can end up costing much more than you were prepared to spend. Don’t worry, here is how you avoid that.

Jurassic Park 30th Anniversary Captivz – These eggs are perfect. Not only can they serve as eggs in your basket but they also work wonderfully for an Easter egg hunt. And if you have a little dino lover then they will be super excited to see who is inside!

Chalk – We go through so much chalk during the warmer months. Some of it gets used on the sidewalk and at the parks, and some of it gets lost. Adding Easter-themed chalk to the basket is a fabulous way to replenish our supplies for spring and summer.

Wooden Eggs – If you have a crafter at home then these wooden eggs are probably on a shelf somewhere already. They are perfect to spend the day decorating on Easter so don’t worry about them being plain in the basket. You can paint on them, color them, use Dippin Designs, or do many other art projects with them.
You know that I can’t give a gift without including books. We love books. One thing I’ve realized though is just like we do the rookie thing and get bunny plushies, we do the same thing with books. Now, if it is the 1st Easter or another significant year, by all means, go the holiday-themed route. Just don’t get stuck there. You know your little ones and what they like to read. Pick something that will make sense for their basket. Here are a few options.

Readyland – These books are so much fun for littles. We all know that this generation is all about digital assistants, Google, Siri, Alexa. Alexa brings these stories to life. Littles get to truly interact with the book, speak with the characters, and more. Readyland stories are also a boost for literacy because it helps them learn how to engage with the books in a new way and leads to another level of comprehension.

Little Black Hole – Calling all space lovers. Many of our littles go through a phase where they are all about space. This book would be a good addition to their Easter baskets. It is also a good way to introduce what a black hole is and discuss friendship.

School Trip – Graphic novels are a terrific choice for middle-aged littles. The tween scene seems to love them. School Trip is the newest from the New Kid series.
Remember, Easter doesn’t have to be about gifts. If you are religious make it a season that helps your littles learn more about your beliefs. If you’re not that religious but still celebrate the holiday, make it special for your littles. Come up with your own traditions. This year, I purchased a fancy tea set and will be having a tea party at home with JustaBXgirl We might also do some arts & crafts projects.