I have to admit that I do not miss the stress of back-to-school shopping. I can also share that I would get annoyed by receiving a three-mile-long list of supplies that rarely were needed. This annoyed me the most because things that made sense were missing from the list. That’s what I wanted to share today. The things that don’t normally make the back-to-school list but can make a school year more productive and happier. The forgotten supplies. Please let me know some of your favorite forgotten supplies in the comments.

Black Girl Sunscreen – I know you’re wondering what sunscreen has to do with back-to-school. Shouldn’t that be on a summer list? Yes, it should, but it should also be on a back-to-school list. Most littles are going back to school while it is still summer. They will be playing outside during recess. Chances are you will be taking the scenic route home after school to enjoy those last few hours of sunshine. We are all great at putting sunscreen on for a day at the beach and pool but let’s remember to use it regularly. You know this is a favorite of ours. A brand we trust.

Rucker Roots Shampoo and Deep Conditioner – Team Clean Hair Don’t Care! Seriously though, finding a new shampoo that makes your hair feel healthy is a great way to start school. The beginning of a school year is a wonderful time to get back to your (and your student’s) roots, quite literally. A deep conditioning is a really good way to spend some time with your little and create a routine for the school year. This brand is free from all the yucky stuff and is 100% vegan.

Mabel’s Labels – Think you don’t need labels as your littles get older? Thursday was the last day of JustaBXgirl’s gardening camp. All summer she brought everything home with her. Last day of camp? Nope. She forgot her jacket. Do you know how they were able to identify it? She had it labeled with a label from Mabel’s Labels. Don’t forget these as you do your shopping.

Watchitude Wireless Speaker – I know, you’re thinking I’m crazy with this one. The thing is, most of our littles like to study and do homework while listening to music. Getting them a Bluetooth speaker says we understand. It also allows you as their adult to let them connect and forget. Once they have connected their music, you can decide where they leave their device. The Watchitude speaker has an 800ft range. They don’t need their phones near them to cause a distraction!
Woohoo yes what bothers me is the list are not available in advance. I love Mabels Labels they last
Or you do get it in advance and then they don’t need half the stuff on it!
I love that speaker got to get 3 of those
So many cool designs to choose from.