If you’re like me as the temperature drops you are looking for more reasons to stay indoors. That isn’t always easy with a family wanting to go, go, go. Here are thirteen titles that will get your family, and you to sit still (at least for a tiny bit of time).

Hello Sweet Baby – One thing I have taught JustaBXgirl since she was tiny is that every family is unique. We often discuss the composition of family (two parents, one parent, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.). This book is a beautiful way to introduce the topic of adoption to littles. What I love about it is adoption is the main subject but not the only subject covered in the book if you want to dig a little deeper with your littles.

Cake Mix – “I’m MIXED and I love all my ingredients.” I love that when Remy is asked by classmates what she is, her initial reply is, “A kid.” She identified from a commonplace. She responded with what made sense to her in the moment. I also love that she shared her confusion with her mom who found an age appropriate way of explaining her ethnicity to her. I never want to live in a world that doesn’t see color because then we would miss out on so much that diversity has to offer. Cake Mix does a great job of reminding us that we come with our own ingredients.

Mighty Mara – There is no stopping Mara. She dances to her own beat and refuses to be just another member of Sametown. Even when she’s frustrated she exudes confidence and reminds us that being ourselves is the most important thing we can do. It only takes one person to make change happen.

I Grab the Mic – This story is a wonderful tale to tell to littles as they prepare for any type of public speaking. It serves to share that many of us get nervous as we stand in front of others. It also allows us to see that if we find a way to push through, we will feel our confidence rise and feel the power of our voices.

The Alphabutt Book – Looking for a hilarious way to teach your little the alphabet? Look no furthant than The Alphabutt Book. It will having you giggling from Avocado butt to Zeppelin Butt with a few cackles in between. If your household is anything like mine, they will get a kick out of this long past the time they are learning the alphabet.

The Middle Daughter – This is a heavy read. It is the type of book you fall into and occasionally need to come up for air. It deals with weighty topics and may trigger some because it is written that powerfully. Chika Unigwe is a gifted writer. She brings the story to life in a way that you can forget you’re reading a book. I enjoyed the multiple perspectives and believe that is what helps create the world. If you are looking for a fictional book to stir emotions then check this out.

Spell Jars for the Modern Witch – It’s October. I had to let a little of my inner witch out to play. I love that this book includes a history spell jars. It also takes us step by step through the preparation process before introducing the spells. I believe this is the type of book for those that are genuinely interested in learning more about visual manifestation and looking to honor and cultivate the magic in the world.

Sankofa A Culinary Story of Resilience and Belonging – This book teaches us about history and Ghanian culture. It also includes a recipe for jollof rice that you are going to want to check out! Trust me. It is a story that will resonate with many first-generation children trying to figure out where they belong. I think it is a wonderful addition to all bookshelves and would be a great read for teachers in a classroom setting.

Don’t Be Mean to 13 – Can you say, Triskaidekaphobia? I sure as heck couldn’t before I read this book. Have you ever wondered why people are afraid of the number 13? This book will get to the root of the cause. I think this is a great read that not only teaches littles about the history of superstitions behind 13 but also opens the conversation for other fears based on perception.

The Sun and Planets – It has pop-ups, do I really need to give you another reason to pick it up? Seriously, the pop-up pulled us right into the orbit but the information kept us reading. My favorite thing about books like this is that they can truly be a part of your family’s bookshelf for years to come. Littles will pick them up when they’re tiny and be fascinated by pop-up features and the images. As they grow they begin to absorb the information included. Before you know it, they are experts on all things The Sun and Planets!

Everything We Should Have Taught You In High School But Never Did – This book won’t teach you how to balance your checkbook but it will help you balance your life. It gives wonderful pieces of advice for both those starting their adult lives and for those of us already living our adult lives. It gives us a starting place and the lessons are bite-sized so we can read through them and then take time to process what they mean for us. I would use this with a teen as a space for open dialogue to find out what the words mean to them and share how I process them. It would be interesting to see how our perspectives align.

Moshi Moshi A Travelogue – We will be using this for homeschool. I love the images and the information. Winnie Liu created a magical guide that has us wanting to plan a visit to Japan. It is super informative but doesn’t read dry. She breaks down what it was like when she studied in Japan in the fall of 2018. We learn about the places she went, the people she saw, and even how she felt. I hope she takes us on other travels soon
You always have soo many good ones I have to read the Middle Daughter that is me after all