I’m coming to terms with the fact that we are more unschoolers than let’s sit down and do this curriculum schoolers. That does not mean that I don’t still get excited over curriculum. I probably get way too excited about new curricula and would be embarrassed to share how many different curriculum options I have almost impulse-purchased throughout the past few months. I’m just able to better understand that Toy School is a way of life for us. Here are a few fun learning activities that make me feel like some learning is getting done.

3D Crystal Galaxy Grow Crystal Sculptures – Sometimes science feels like magic. Growing crystals is definitely one of those times. One of my favorite things about this project is that it allows littles not only to learn about how crystals grow but also allows them to grow their patience without having to wait too long. Even after they grow the crystals there is more fun to be had. The kit contains two dyes so that each set really is a work of art and custom.

Solobo Learn & Drop – HOPS loves to be active. She also loves to learn. She wants to do school just like JustaBXgirl does so that means I have to find ways to meet her where she is at developmentally. This is an ideal way to let her work on multiple skills. She isn’t at a point to read the flashcards yet but she can identify the photos on each. Once she identifies the card she works on her spatial awareness. We even have the Spanish Flash Cards for JustaBXgirl to use. She allows HOPS to place those in the Learn and Drop when she gets one correctly.

thinkbox Engineer Your Own 3D Spacelight – There is so much satisfaction with completing a project. You retain so much more by doing than simply listening or reading. This set comes with everything needed to build your very own 3D Space Light. Once you finish engineering it together you can sit back and appreciate the constellations. Perfect pairing to close out astronomy lessons.

Plus Plus Puzzle By Number Map of the United States – Okay, I can’t begin to tell you how excited I was when I found this at this year’s Toy Fair. When completed this project is over two feet wide! I love that this is a project that can be done alone or with others. Using the pattern we will build the complete map of the United States by number. Once completed you can slip over the pattern to find over 700 state facts.