Stocking Stuffers Gift Guide 2024

Stocking Stuffers Gift Guide 2024

We received some of these items for review purposes. As always, all opinions are honest and my own. This post contains affiliate links.

Stockings have always been one of my favorite parts of Christmas. They’re the little gifts that are the extras. They’re trinkets and baubles. They’re the gifts that won’t be bragged about but will be carried in pockets throughout the year. This year I have some really fun ones to share. I’m sure some of them will not only get carried around but will be bragged about as well.

Disney Crystal Surprise – I know you expected to see these here. I’ve been obsessed with them since the first time that I saw them. They are an ideal gift for those of us that are Disney-obsessed. They’re perfect for those who like collecting series. It has a manageable number to start off with, twelve. I’m about halfway through collecting series one so I would be delighted to find these in my stocking!

XOX Kweenie – JustaBXgirl and I are usually good at divvying up collections. She has Shopkins. I have Disney Doorables. Normally, it is an easy call when we begin a new collection, not with XOX Kweenie. We both wanted to claim the collection as our own. There are currently twenty-nine to collect. You could fill up a few stockings with these. You just have to decide if you’re a Quirky Kween or a Fearless Kween.

Our Generation Mystery Lunch Bags – We get gifts for JustaBXgirl’s dolls so these are ideal for them. There are six to collect. You can also add the Mystery Lunch Bags to your stockings for a full Our Generation Stocking!

Tonka Mini Metals 2-Pack – Tonka Tough comes in all sizes. These mini metals are perfect for the stockings. Little hands love these and they are perfect displays for collectors.

Suddy Buddy – There are eight characters to collect. Everyone loves a bubble bath. Suddy Buddy is a great addition to bath time play.

Krumples – JustaBXgirl carries one of these in her bag everywhere she goes. They are the perfect fidget fun toy. They come in various colors so you can get one for everyone in the family.

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