Welcome to our world. JustaBXmom.com started as the voice of one mom and is growing to include other moms that make up this wonderful village of motherhood. We’re all at different phases of our motherhood journeys. Two things we all have in common are that we will do any and everything for our littles and we want to be here for other mothers. At the end of the day, we are Just Moms doing our best. Sometimes that will be good enough and sometimes we will be looking for support from our #MomSquads.
Meet The Moms:
I’m Melissa. I have an amazing mini-me (JustaBXgirl) that teaches me about life, love, and the world around us daily. I breastfed and co-sleep. I do my best to gentle parent and at times I am a screaming parent. I’m always a transparent parent. I am far from perfect. Some nights we read 18 stories and other nights we fall asleep playing on our iPads. My goal is to let every parent I meet know that they are their child’s perfect parent. My goal is to remind myself that I am my daughter’s perfect parent. My goal is to make your day include a smile. My goal is to smile as much as possible. My goal is to remind every parent that they are enough. My goal is to remember that I am enough. My goal is to make sure my daughter always knows that she is loved and she is enough.
I am a mom doing it alone (with an awesome outside village). I am giving my daughter experiences that will create a foundation filled with standards and expectations leaving no room for excuses. I want to teach other parents how this is possible. I want to offer my experiences with events, products, homeschool, and life as a place that can help other parents make choices and avoid pitfalls. As a single mom, I want to show other parents that single or married parenthood can be lots of fun. And knowing the financial costs of parenting alone I like to share products and experiences that make spending worthwhile!
I am a woman of biracial descent. Born to an African American father and a Puerto Rican mother. I have the coolness of my dad’s nature with the fire of my mother’s Latin heritage. The name is Aishah (no middle name) Allen. I always wanted a wanted a middle name growing up, but my father said I didn’t need one because my first name was strong enough to stand on its own. Growing up he would tell me a story that before all the continents split they were all one and it was called Asia. He said he named me Aishah (pronounced “Asia”) after the continent because I was a “child of the world”. Ha, the things a parent tells their child to get them to be quiet! My dad also told me to get my education, so that’s what I did. I went to college, got a B.S. in Biology and became manager of a fortune 500 laboratory. That wasn’t enough for me so I went out and discovered the world… I mean isn’t that what daddy told me to do *shrugs*? So I traveled to many countries, partied in the most amazing of places and experienced remarkable experiences. Then one day I looked up from my puff cloud of amusement and realized it just wasn’t fun anymore. All of a sudden life felt incomplete. I wanted a child to share my experiences with. One that I could pass down all of these cool little songs that my dad taught me. But I was now 41 and struggling to procreate (that’s another story for another day), hoping that I didn’t miss that baby boat because I chose to take the last train to Paris instead. However after many life changes, hope and faith (again the same story for another day), my little guy was born! So who am I now? I’m not sure. I’m that same person above… but now insert “middle-aged first-time mother” here. Just a NJ mom who will do anything and everything to make sure that my son has the best life that I can possibly give. I am trying to navigate between wives tales and science, outdated parental advice and new guidance (do our babies sleep on their stomachs or backs now?), new inventions that make life with baby a breeze and old remedies that are tried and true. Basically, I am here to sort it all out so that hopefully you don’t have to. After all… it takes a village, right? I know that I most certainly couldn’t do it without mine! With all my love (and knowledge), Just A NJ Mom named Aishah.
Tamiqua is a Wife and Mom of 3 in Orlando. She is also the owner and mastermind behind www.latchinginlove.com. She’s passionate about Breastfeeding and supporting families in her career as a Lactation Counselor in the Orlando Area. She’s also passionate about all things planners and Disney.

JustaCTmom is a wife and mom of three (plus a fur baby). She is newish to the CT community originating from the Bronx. She is here to share lots of cool and exciting experiences in CT along with life hacks to make everyday life more fun and free!