I decided this week it was time for me to stop being lazy. The universe has agreed with me. Everywhere I have turned there have been signs or open doors. Last week a friend asked me to speak to a woman that was interested in self publishing. I...
I read the best thing today about what words children need to know before kindergarten. I don’t want to copy someone else’s writing without their permission so here’s the link. 25 Words Children Should Know Before Kindergarten...
My child is definitely not a morning person. I’m blessed to work from home so most mornings she is able to sleep and wake by her natural clock. On those once in a while mornings when I need to go some place before noon she is not a happy...
I wanted to blog about my life as a single mom of an amazing little person ever since I found out I was expecting. I even started a blog shortly before she was born. I posted here and there on it then blogging was ruined for me. I saw someone...