You know we love attending baby shows to see what we can use for our everyday lives and share with you on how to repurpose when your baby gets bigger. I’m really excited this time around because I will be attending with my new baby...
I don’t remember where I was the day that Babies R Us made that heartbreaking closing announcement. They had been THE baby staple in so many of our families’ lives for years. What I do remember however was the state of panic I was in after the...
JustaBXgirl is five and a half. We celebrated her half birthday last month. She still uses a stroller. Not every day but once in a while, when it makes sense for both of us. I recently shared a photo of her using her new 3Dpac CS+ Compact Fold...
JustaBXgirl and I attended the New York Baby Show over the weekend and we had so much fun. As we walked through the aisles JustaBXgirl would ask me if she had this or that item when she was a baby. I would tell her how I wish some of these items had...