Tag: books

25 books For Your Little (and you)

  Instead of doing an advent calendar I did a Book Countdown over the holiday season. I meant to share it with all of you in December but life happens.  So better late than ever (I hope).  I shared many of these on my Instagram but I’ve...

November Reading Roundup

I said this year I was going to spend more time on myself.  I’ve done that by going back to basics.  I’ve started doing a lot more reading for myself and not just to JustaBXgirl.  With December coming up I will be sharing 25 Books til...

book giveaway, book recommendations, children's books

October Reading Roundup

This month I haven’t had much time to read on my own but I have been introduced to may amazing children’s books that JustaBXgirl and I have been enjoying on our commute to and from school.  And a very special book that we have been...

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