Did I tell you about the time I read the article that said the reason so many of our littles have trouble with math is because we don’t foster a love and understanding of math the way we do of reading. We’re not reciting times tables...
Most of the time when we think of dating violence we think of black eyes and broken bones. When I worked in youth development and we covered teen dating violence the statistics were that 1 in 4 girls would experience dating violence in their teens...
JustaBXgirl’s first word (after the obligatory mama) was ball. And after that she took her time using her words. She took ASL classes for a while to help her communicate and as with everything else spoke full sentences on her own terms and...
Remember this month is about self-care and loving me. On my journey to treating myself better and because recently I’ve received a lot of pitches to review books I was able to read Genevieve Shaw Brown’s book The Happiest Mommy You Know...