If you would have told me I would have been breastfeeding a four year old before I had a child I would have looked at you like you had three heads and twelve eyes. If you would have told me I would have been breastfeeding a four year old on the...
I’m sure you’ve seen that meme that says I’m more of an Amazon Prime mom than a Pinterest mom. Let’s just say that could have been made wit me in mind. I LOVE my Amazon Prime. And since it will need to be renewed in a few...
Clean Drinking Water Should Not Be Considered A Luxury. Yet for the Indigenous people, the true Native Americans, protesting to keep the Dakota Pipeline out of their sacred grounds (the little ground they have left) we are telling them it is...
Last night I had the privilege to co-host another #SingleMomsSpeak chat on Instagram. Can I share that this was a tough talk to have? When we chose the topic I was really excited about it. I mean, come on, how cool does the hashtag look...