Three…Two…One…Baby Blastoff! Do you remember Emily from our most recent #MompreneurMonday post? She has been kind enough to offer a giveaway for JustaBXmom readers! Yay, Emily! Emily was also kind enough to send JustaBXgirl her...
I’ve been learning about a lot of brands lately that were started by moms and inspired by their littles. One of these brands is Freshly Picked. I hadn’t heard of Freshly picked until JustaNCgirl was waiting to be born. Her mom LOVES...
I honestly don’t have any friends in real life that have chosen to cloth diaper so other than those I see doing so on social media I don’t know much about the topic. I do see on social media lots of mom shaming going both ways. I...
Justabxgirl isn’t a new baby anymore. The way she tells it she is well on her way to being an adult! That doesn’t mean that I don’t still get excited about all things baby. There’s this old wives tale that says babies...