If you ever spend the day with us you would undoubtedly begin looking around for hidden cameras. Many times throughout the day JustaBXgirl randomly starts talking to “her public.” She will switch from everyday conversations with...
Sometimes “Girls Just want To Have Fun!” If you’re singing the song right now then you’re like me and either a 70s or 80s baby. If you’re not than look it up! That’s what Google is for. Either way I can say...
This is my first year as a “school mom” and I’ll let you in on a little secret…I’m already freaking out and we still have about three weeks before school begins. There’s just so much to do and to get used to...
Ever dream of running your own lemonade stand? Worried about drinking all of your product? Don’t actually have a front yard to set one up on? Worried about how to handle business permits as a child? Not to worry! Learning resources...