Sometimes it is difficult to find a project that will capture the attention and enjoyment of JustaBXgirl and her cousins. They are all different ages and different interests. What one loves the other is OVER until he or she is not. They used to...
Once upon a time, I had a standing appointment to get manicures and pedicures. Now, I couldn’t tell you the last time I stepped foot inside a nail salon. It really didn’t happen by choice. First, I got pregnant and had to stop getting...
Lice is not nice! I mean, at least that is what I have heard and hope to never have to experience. Thanks to Fairy Tales Lice Prevention products we are not taking any chances with JustaBXgirl’s beautiful long tresses (or mine). One of the...
I’ve been ordering subscription boxes since way before they were the cool thing to do. I’ve even sold my own subscription boxes when I was a book lady. Now that I’m a mom I have to really think about where I’m putting my...