The other day I was scrolling through my Instagram when I ran into a post of my cousin who is a new and excited father. He takes his little man everywhere with him. In this particular post, he and his 5-month-old were at the car dealership waiting...
JustaBXgirl is five and a half. We celebrated her half birthday last month. She still uses a stroller. Not every day but once in a while, when it makes sense for both of us. I recently shared a photo of her using her new 3Dpac CS+ Compact Fold...
This is the time of year when you can never tell if that person on the line in front of you is blowing their nose because they have a cold, the flu or are suffering from allergies. It makes it really difficult to avoid the germs that we have been on...
I’ve said it once and I will say it again, I am so blessed to live my life. JustaBXgirl and I have it so good and don’t think for a second that we don’t realize it. Just last week we were able to attend one of our most favorite...