Tag: product reviews

mother's day, gift guide, mother's day gift ideas, what mom wants

What A Mom Wants…

Seeing how moms are the ones that do the gift buying, for the most part, we rarely get gifts we really, really want. That needs to end.  Yes, we love breakfast in bed but not if it means we have to clean the kitchen after. I’m a mom that...

back to school, bts, school supplies, burton, bixbee, zipit, cookies, oriental trading

First Day Favorites

We survived the first day of school.  I am proud to report that JustaBXgirl said her first day was FANTASTIC.  She liked her school, her teachers and the other littles in her class.  Her only complaint was similar to mine…why was the day so...

#BackToSchool : Lunch Is Served!

I don’t really classify JustaBXgirl as a picky eater because I can normally find something she will eat anywhere.  She is, however, a very, very choosy eater.  She might enjoy eating something one day and then decide the next that she will...

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