If you ever spend the day with us you would undoubtedly begin looking around for hidden cameras. Many times throughout the day JustaBXgirl randomly starts talking to “her public.” She will switch from everyday conversations with...
The summer is ending and JustaBXgirl starts school in a few weeks. I don’t think she’s thought about what the transition means much but trust me I have. One of the things I’m going to miss the most about her not being in school...
I’m not into bathtub toys. I’m always worried about the splashing factor. And is it just me or does it seem like the more you tell littles to keep the water in the tub the more the water ends up out of the tub? For this reason...
Ever dream of running your own lemonade stand? Worried about drinking all of your product? Don’t actually have a front yard to set one up on? Worried about how to handle business permits as a child? Not to worry! Learning resources...